Harmonium 50 Practice Pieces for Organ / Harmonium, Pt1, by August Reinhard, Op74, pdf 7MB
Practice Pieces for Organ, Edmund Parlow, Pt2 Opus138, pdf 11MB
Intermezzi per Organo I, by Hendrik Andriessen, Prima Raccolta R204, pdf 2MB
Premier Choral pour Orgue, by Hendrik Andriessen, R273, pdf, 1MB
100 Organ Pieces, Part2, 1st half, pdf, 4MB
100 Organ Pieces, Part2, 2d half, pdf, 4MB
35 Miniature per Organo Flor Peeters, Op55, pdf, 3MB
Harmonium American Organ, Hassenstein, pdf, 9MB
Mozart for small Electronic Organs, with Pedals , TIF 9MB
Harmonium Classical composers, pdf 4MB
Classical and Opera Pieces for Organ Birnbach, RB814, 1920, pdf 4MB
Listen to an impressive 2-man rendition of Sousa's Stars & Stripes on the Heidelberg HeiligeGeistKirche organ, MP3
"It is Well with my Soul", Choir (Nederland zingt, Leiden 24jan09), MP3

JS Bach Cantates & Chorales sheetmusic
NEW!! BACH Scrolling Matthaeus Passion / St Matthew's Passion, YouTube
JS Bach Cantate 29, pdf 3MB
JS Bach Cantate 57, pdf 3MB
JS Bach Cantate 101, pdf 3MB
JS Bach Cantate 120, pdf 3MB
JS Bach Cantate 126, pdf 3MB
JS Bach Cantate 150, pdf 2MB
JS Bach Cantate 151, pdf 1MB
JS Bach Christmas Chorale 126, zip 2MB
JS Bach - 60 Chorales, 1937, pdf 5MB
BACH Scrolling: Tocata, Adagio, Fugue, BWV 564, YouTube
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Sheetmusic of 150 Psalms for Organ, GB van Krieken 1886, with pre- & postludes

Ps1-48, Zip file 5MB
Ps51-100, Zip file 5MB
Ps101-148, Zip file 4MB

Devotional Hymns sheetmusic (Academy Songbook 1898)
Part 4 Devotional Songs, pdf, 5MB. To print indiv. pages, check pdf page nrs

Index Academy Songbook Devotional, Part 4
to other Academy Song Book songs
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Web sites with a big selection of old hymnals as sheet music:
Note pointer at bottom left, and arrows at bottom right, indexes at far right of slider
Hymns, Spirituals & Sunday School songs, on Archive.org
Songs for Kindergarten and Primary Schools, 1888
Songs for Little Folk, 1882
Brethren Historical Collection (ManUniv)
United (Scots) Presbyterian Hymn Book, online hymnal, 1877:
Church of England Children's Hymn Book, 1881
Cherokee Hymn Book, 1839 (Publ 1896)

Old Cherokee Hymn
The Gospel Hymn Book, 1903
Pentecostal Hymnal, 1898
Brethren Hymnal, 1901
Hymnal of the Moravian Church, 1969
The Evangelical Hymnal, 1883
Living Hymnal, 1923
French Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, by McCalla, 1854
6 Gesaenge, by Hartmann, 1840
Wesleyan Methodist Hymn Book, online hymnal, 1869:
Songs of Grace and Glory, 1100 hymns, online hymnal, 1872:
Shaker music, online hymnal, 1875
Melodies of Life, online hymnal, 1884
Shaker music, online hymnal, 1884
Japanese Hymnal, 1886, Hallowed Songs (Meth-Episc. Church), online hymnal, 1886
Hymns of he Christian Life, online hymnal, 1887:
Methodist Free Hymnal, online hymnal, 1889
Gospel Hymns, complete 739 hymns, online hymnal, 1895
St Basil Hymnal, Latin and English Hymns, 1918
Hymnal for American Youth, online hymnal, 1919
Gospel Hymn Book by DB Towner, online hymnal, 1903
International Gospel Hymns and Songs by PP Bilhorn, online hymnal, 1905
Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs by Bliss&Sankey, online hymnal, 1903
Christ in Song Hymn (700 hymns) by FE Belden, online hymnal, 1900
1-2-3 Gospel Message combined by Hall, Geibel, Miles, online hymnal, 1915
The new Make Christ King Hymnal by EO Excell, online hymnal, 1916
Favorite Songs and Hymns, 1939
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Foreign Hymnals: Sheetmusic on the web:
The Chinese hymnal by Chinese writers, online Engl. hymnal, 1953
Manichaean Psalm Book, Coptic, by Allberry, 1938
Burmese Hymns, 1860
North Indian Hindi Hymns, 1875
Japanese Hymns & Songs of Praise, 1888
Swahili Christian Hymns on the web
Amagama Okulhabelela, Zulu Hymnal on the web, klavarscribo, 1911
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