Recordings of 1000 Operas & Symphonies

last updated 2025

Sheetmusic of Popular Operas & Operattas, and Oratorios

Leonard Bernstein - Young People's Concerts

"NEW" YouTube: Leonard Bernstein's famous 53 Young People's Concerts: Classical music explained

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 - 1750

YouTube: Bach's "Air on the G String", Suite No. 3, Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, 1717-23

Bach ”Air on the G string" on Oboe

YouTube: Bach's 'Sheep may safely graze', 1713 (performed by Thijs van Leer, flute, 1972)

Bach ”Sheep may safely graze", Thijs van Leer, flute, 1972

YouTube: Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" Diane Bish, Freiburg Cathedral (4 organs)

Bach ”Jesu Joy of Man's desiring” by AA Meyers violin, LA Master Chorale, 1723, Advent Cantate

Bach ”Jesu Joy of Man's desiring ” by Buddy Greene on Harmonica, Carnegy Hall

YouTube: JS Bach 'Mattheus Passion', BWV 244, 1727, (Cond. Richter, with English subtitles, 1971)

Bach Mattheus Passion 'Erbarme Dich', Thijs van Leer

YouTube: JS Bach "Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major", BWV 564, Gerubach scrolling music (1719-27)

Bach 'Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major' E Power Biggs (16min)

YouTube: Bach 'Toccata & Fugue in D minor', BWV 565, by Liene Andreta Kalnciema live at Riga Cathedral

JS Bach "Toccata & Fugue In D Minor"

YouTube: JS Bach 'Little' Fugue in G Minor', BWV 578, Gerubach scrolling music

Bach ”Little Fugue in G minor"

YouTube: Bach 'Goldberg Variations' (1741), Pembroke College Cambridge, 1.15hrs

YouTube: Bach 'Klavier Ubung III', van Doeselaar (24 videos)

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George Frideric Handel 1685 - 1759

Musical score 'Triumph of Time and Truth' by Handel: miniature Score 1757

YouTube: 'Triumph of Time and Truth', Pacific Baroque Orchestra at Vancouver 2014, live recording

YouTube: '6 Organ Concertos' Handel (1740-1751)

YouTube: Handel: 'Larghetto and Allegro' - Sonata in F Major Op. 1.11, Robert Stallmann, E. Swanborn, K. Bennion

Handel's 'Allegro', Introspection by Thijs van Leer, flute, 1972

Musical score 'Judas Maccabaeus' by Handel: Oratorio or sacred drama, in full score (ed. Thomas Morell), (1746)

YouTube: 'Judas Maccabaeus' (Judah Maccabee) by Handel, Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra, sound recording, Cond. David Dietrick with Intro (2014)

Judah Maccabee (&Joshua) "See, here comes the Conquering Hero"

Musical score 'Jephtha' by Handel: Oratorio, Miniature Score with Engl. Text (1752)

YouTube: 'Jephta', Handel, Oratorium HWV70, Gaechinger Cantorey, Hans-Christoph Rademann (2016)

Jephta - Aria 'Waft her Angels through the Sky'

Musical score 'Solomon' by Handel: Oratorio, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Engl. text, 1748

YouTube: 'Solomon', Handel, at Bath Abbey, A Coronation Concert for the City of Bath to mark the anointing of King Charles III (2023)

Solomon's 'Arrival of the Queen of Sheba'

Musical score 'Joshua' by Handel: an Oratorio in vocal score, Engl. text, 1747

YouTube: 'Joshua' by Handel, HWV64 sound recording (2016)

Joshua 'Glory to God'

Musical score 'Occasional Oratorio' - Handel, HWV 62 (1746)

YouTube: 'Occasional Oratorio' - Handel, HWV62 - Akademie fuer Alte Musik, Berlin (2018)

Occasional Oratorio 'Prepare the Hymn' - Psalm 80

Musical score 'Hercules' by Handel: Oratorio, musical score with English text (1744)

YouTube: 'Hercules` - Handel - Oratorio Highlights, John Eliot Gardiner, The Monteverdi Choir (2016))

Musical score 'Joseph' by Handel: Oratorio, Miniature Score, with Germ. and Engl. text (1744)

YouTube: 'Joseph and his Brethren', Handel, HWV54, sound recording

'Semele' by Handel: A secular Oratorio, for Soli, chorus, and Orchestra, musical score with English text (1743)

YouTube: 'Semele' - Handel - HWV58, Early Opera Company, dir. Christian Curnyn (2007)

Musical score 'Belshazzar' by Handel: Oratorio, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Germ. and Engl. text (1744)

YouTube: 'Belshazzar', Handel, Bach-Kantorei sound recording (Live Concert 2004)

Musical score 'Samson' by Handel: Oratorio, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Germ. and Engl. text (1743)

YouTube: 'Samson' by Handel, Cond Karl Richter, Münchener Bach-Orchester & Chor, sound recording (2016)

Musical score 'The Messiah' by Handel: Oratorio containing the music of the principal songs, duets, and choruses (1741)

YouTube: 'Messiah', Cond. Sir Colin Davis, London Symphony Orchestra, sound recording (1966)

Messiah's "Hallelujah Chorus"

Handel's Messiah 'And the Glory of the Lord hath spoken it'

Musical score 'Saul' by Handel: Oratorio, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Engl. text (1739)

YouTube: 'Saul' by Handel, HWV53, The English Concert, Cond. John Bott (2024)

Handel's 'Saul - Overture'

Musical score 'Israel in Egypt' by Handel: Oratorio, in full score, (ed. Friedrich Chrysander) (1739)

YouTube: 'Israel in Egypt' by Handel, appropriately recorded at the Pharaoh Islands, cond. John Curry (2013)

Handel's 'Israel in Egypt - Sing ye to the Lord'

Musical score 'Xerxes' (Serse - Ahasuerus) by Handel: Opera in three parts, musical score with German and Italian language edition (1738)

YouTube: 'Xerxes` - Opera - HWV 40 - Handel (2016)

Xerxes 'Ombra Mai Fu' (the Shadow never was)

Musical score 'Funeral Anthem', on the Death of Queen Caroline by Handel: The Wings of Zion do Mourn, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Engl. text (1737)

YouTube: Funeral Anthem For Queen Caroline (von Ansbach) - HWV 264 - William Christi (2018)

Handel, Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline)

Lyrics only 'Alexander's Feast' or 'the power of music' (1736)

YouTube: 'Alexander's Feast' - Handel - Oratorio HWV75, Orchestra Barucco, Choir Ad Libitum, Cond. Heinz Ferlesch (2018)

Musical score 'Arminio' Handel - An opera in three acts with Italian text (1735)

YouTube: 'Arminio' - Georg Friedrich Handel - HWV 36, George Petrou, Armonia Atenea (2022)

Musical score 'Alcina' by Handel: Oratorio, HWV34, with German and English text (1735)

YouTube: 'Alcina' - Handel, HWV34, Cond. Alan Curtis, Il Complesso Barocco (2016)

Musical score 'Athalia' by Handel: Oratorio, with German and English text (1733)

YouTube: Handel - Athalia, HWV 52, Cond. Paul Mccresh, Xème Académie Baroque Européene d'Ambronay chorus/orquestre (2014)

Musical score 'Esther' by Handel, Oratorio (Cantata), lyrics only (1732)

YouTube: Handel's Esther, Cond. Hogwood, THE ACADEMY OF ANCIENT MUSIC, WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL BOYS CHOIR, sound recording (2016)

Handel 'Esther' (Hobo)

Musical score 'Theodora' by Handel, HWV68: ref. only, no score (1730)

YouTube: 'Theodora' - by Handel, Oratorio in three acts, Cond. Alexander Rudin, Moscow Philharmonic (2024)

Musical score 'Partenope' by Handel (HWV27): Opera in three parts with Italian text (1730)

YouTube: 'Partenope' - Handel, Riccardo Minasi, Ensemble 'Il Pomo D'Oro' (2016)

Musical score 'Coronation Anthems' by Handel (HWV258): 'Zadok the Priest' (and 'The King Shall Rejoice'), for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Germ. and Engl. text (1727)

YouTube: 'Zadok the Priest' by Handel (Coronation songs), Cond. Patrick Dupré Quigley, Seraphic Fire and the Sebastians choir (2015)

Handel's 'Zadok the Priest' - Coronation Anthem

Musical score 'The King Shall Rejoice' by Handel (HWV260): A Coronation Anthem, for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Engl. (1727)

YouTube: 'the King shall rejoice' by Handel (Coronation songs),Cond. Patrick Dupré Quigley, Seraphic Fire and the Sebastians choir (2015

Handel's "The King Shall Rejoice"

Musical score 'Allesandro' by Handel (HWV21): Opera for Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra, Italian text (1726)

YouTube: 'Alessandro' - GF Handel - Cond. George Petrou & Armonia Atenea (2020)

Handel's "Alessandro - Overture"

Musical score 'Rodelina' by Handel: Opera in three acts, musical score with Italian text, 1725

YouTube: 'Rodelinda' Opera - HWV 19 - Handel (1725)

Musical score 'Tamerlano' by Handel: Opera in three acts, musical score with Italian text, 1724

YouTube: 'Tamerlano' - Handel - Opera HWV18 | Riccardo Minasi Il Pomo d'Oro (1724)

Musical score 'Julius Ceaser' (Giulio Cesare in Egitto) by Handel: Opera in Three Acts, musical score with Italian text (1723)

YouTube: 'Julius Ceasar in Egypt' - Handel - Opera, HWV17 - Alan Curtis - Complesso Barocco (1723)

Musical score 'Acis and Galatea, Opera - HWV 46 - Handel (1720)

YouTube: Acis and Galatea, Opera - HWV 46 - Handel (1720)

Musical score 'Anthems' by Handel (Vol 5 , Nr 9): miniature Score (1718-20)

YouTube: Handel: Chandos Anthems - The Sixteen, Harry Christophers (1718-20)

Musical score 'Water Music' by Handel: tribute to King George (1717)

YouTube: 'Water Music' Handel, (1717) - Consort of London - Robert Haydon Clark

Handel's 'Water Music', Suite 2

YouTube: 'Music for the Royal Fireworks' Handel - Sir Neville Mariner, the Acadey of St Martin in the Fields (1749)

Handel's "Royal Fireworks Ouverture"

Musical score - the Utrecht Jubilate (te Deum and Jubilate) by Handel: for Soli and Orchestra, Engl. text, 1713

YouTube: G.F. Handel Te Deum HWV 278, Jubilate HWV 279 (Music for the Peace of Utrecht 1713)

Musical score 'Rinaldo' by Handel, Opera in Three Acts, Miniture Score, First Version, Ger. and Engl. language ed (1711)

YouTube: 'Rinaldo' - Handel - Opera - HWV7 | Rene Jacobs Freiburger Barockorchester (1711)

Rinaldo's "Lascia ch'io pianga" (Let me cry)

Musical score 'Agrippina' by Handel: Opera in Three Acts, Italian text, 1709

YouTube: `Agripinna` Opera HWV 6 - Handel (1709)

YouTube Handel versions only

YouTube: 'Susanna', Handel HWV 66 (McGegan) (1748)

YouTube: 'Alexander Balus' - Handel, highlights (1747)

YouTube: 'L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato' - Handel, cond. Gardiner, Cantata, English Baroque Soloists, Monteverdi Choir (1740)

YouTube: 'Deidamiya' - Handel - Opera - HWV 42 - Handel (1740)

YouTube: 'Berenice" - Georg Friedrich Handel - HWV 38 (1737)

YouTube: Atalanta, Handel - HWV 35 (1736)

YouTube: `Ariodante` Opera, HWV 33 - Handel (1734)

YouTube: 'Deborah' - GF Handel, HWV 51 - Chorus - Immortal Lord of earth and skies(1733)

YouTube: 'Orlando Furioso' - Georg Friedrich Handel, (1732)

YouTube: 'Porus, The King of India' - HWV 28 - Handel (1731)

YouTube: 'Ezio' - G.F. Handel, HWV 29 [Kammerorchester Basel - A. Cremonezi] (1731)

YouTube: `Admetus, King of Thessaly` - Opera, HWV 22 - Handel (1726)

YouTube: 'Floridante', Opera HWV 14 - Handel (1721)

YouTube: 'Radamisto', Opera, 1720 - HWV 12 - Handel (1720)

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Antonio Vivaldi 1678-1741

YouTube: Antonio Vivaldi the Four Seasons 'Spring'

Vivaldi's 'Spring' (La Primavera)

Vivaldi's 'Summer'

Vivaldi's 'Autumn'

Vivaldi's 'Winter'

YouTube: Vivaldi (1678-1741) "Gloria in Excelsis Deo"

Antonio Vivaldi's 'Gloria in Excelsis Deo'

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 - 1791

Musical score of 'The Marriage of Figaro', by Mozart (1786), Italian text with English translation

YouTube: the Marriage of Figaro" Conductor Sir Thomas Allen, Royal College of Music

Mozart 'Marriage of Figaro'

Musical score - "Don Giovanni", by Mozart (1787), ed. 1859, Italian text with English translation

YouTube: Mozart's Don Giovanni, Cond John Eliot Gardiner, Rodney Gilfrey 1994 Holland Festival, with Dutch subs

YouTube2: Mozart's Don Giovanni, Cond Nikolaus Harnoncount, Rodney Gilfrey 2001 Zurich, with English subs

Mozart 'Don Giovanni - La ci darem la mano' (there, we will give each other the hand), Pavarotti / Sheryl Crow

Musical score - 'Cosi Fan Tutte' (‘Thus do all women’), Mozart (1790), an Opera in 2 acts by Mozart, German text with English translation

YouTube - Cosi Fan Tutte, Glyndebourne, Cond Ivan Fisher, with English subtitles

Mozart 'Cosi Fan Tutte - Soave il vento'

YouTube - Mozart - "Clarinet Concerto in A Major", Iceland Syphony Orchestra ('Out of Africa' Theme)

Mozart “Clarinet Concerto in A Major"

YouTube - Mozart Opus 40 - Karajan-Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker

Mozart 'Symphony 40'

Musical score of 'The Magic Flute' by Mozart (1791), an Opera in 2 acts by Mozart, German text with English translation

YouTube - Mozart's 'die Zauberflote' (‘the Magic Flute’) (SCALA, with Italian/English subs)

Mozart 'Queen of the Night' (Magic Flute)

Mozart 'Papageno' (Magic Flute)

YouTube - Mozart's "Sonata 11 in A Major, Rondo alla Turca", Daniel Barenboim

Mozart 'Rondo alla Turca - Allegretto'

YouTube - Mozart's "Requiem in D"- Orchestre national de France / James Gaffigan

Mozart 'Requiem - Lacrimoasa & Amen'

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Joseph Haydn 1732-1809

YouTube: F.J. Haydn - Hob I:1 - Symphony No. 1 in D major (Hogwood)

YouTube: F.J. Haydn - Hob I:3 - Symphony No. 3 in G major (Hogwood)

YouTube: Joseph Haydn, String Quartet, Op. 76 No. 3 "EMPEROR" - ZAGREB QUARTET (2015)

Haydn "String Quartet 103', (tune: 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken')

YouTube: Joseph Haydn / Symphony No. 45 in F-sharp minor "Farewell" (Charles Mackerras and the Orchestra of St. Luke's, 1989)

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Ludwig van Beethoven 1770 - 1817

YouTube: Beethoven’s Third Symphony Eroica in E flat major, Op 55, Daniel Barenboim at the Proms 2019, Royal ALbert Hall

YouTube: Beethoven’s Fifth in C minor, Op. 67, Barenboim at the Proms 2012, Royal ALbert Hall

Beethoven’s 5th 'Song of the Yellowhammer'

YouTube: Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony in (little) F Major, Op. 68, Leonard Bernstein, Vienna Philharmonic, 1978

YouTube: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, with Daniel Barenboim, Berliner Philharmonie, 2006

Beethoven’s 9th 'Ode to Joy'

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Gioacchino Rossini 1792-1868

The Barber of Seville, by Rossini (1816), Opera in two acts, musical score, Italian text with English translation

YouTube: Rossini - Moses in Egypt' (1818), English/Italian/Japanese subtitles

Rossini 'Moses in Egypt'

YouTube: Rossini - La Gazza Ladra (the Thieving Magpie), Pesaro, 1989, Italian subtitles

Rossini 'the Thieving Magpie'

YouTube: Rossini - the Barber of Seville by La Scala Orchestra, Cond. by Claudio Abbado , Teresa Barganza, Luigi Alva, Hermann Prey, Enzo Dara, SELECT English subtitles

Musical Score, William Tell, Gioacchino Rossini (1829), Opera in four Acts, with French and English text

YouTube: William Tell, Wichita Grand Opera, Cond. Nayden Todorov, 2014

Rossini 'William Tell', by Buddy Greene on Harmonica, Carnegy Hall, 2012

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Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

YouTube: Felix Mendelssohn Symphonie Nr. 5 D-Dur, op. 107 'Reformation' Gardiner BRSO

Mendelssohn’s Reformation Symphony 'Ein' feste Burg is unser Gott'

YouTube: Felix Mendelssohn 'Elijah', Orchestre National de France conducted by Daniele Gatti, w. Lucy Crowe, Christianne Stotijn, Rainer Trost, Michael Nagy (French subs, 2014)

Mendelssohn’s Elijah 'He Watching over Israel' (TAMU Choir)

YouTube: Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) 'Midsummer Night's Dream'

Mendelssohn’s "Midsummer Night's Dream"

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Richard Wagner 1813 - 1883

YouTube: Tannhauser, music only, Bayreuth Festival 1978, Colin Davis, With English Subtitles

Wagner “Tannhauser - Pilgrim's Choir”

Story and music of 'the Ring of the Nibelung' (1848-1874: das Rhein Gold, die Walkure, Siegfried, & die Gotterdammerung), a guide (1909) its origin

Musical Score of 'das Rhine Gold', prelude to the trilogy (English verse)

Musical Score of 'die Walkure', (ride of the Valkyries), first day of the Nibelungen trilogy (English Verse)

YouTube: die Walkure, music only, Bayreuth Festival 1983, Georg Solti Cond., Hildegard Behrens, Siegmund Nimsgem, Jeannine Altmeyer, with German subtitles

Musical Score of 'Siegfried', the second day of the Nibelungen trilogy (Eng and German verse)

Musical Score of 'Gotterdammerung', (Twilight of the gods) third day of the Nibelungen trilogy (English and German verse)

YouTube: Gotterdammerung by Bayreuth Festival Orchestra 1979, English subtitles

Musical Score of 'Tristan and Isolde', 1904, a Tragedy, (English Verse)

YouTube: Tristan and Isolde, Bayreuth 2009, Cond Peter Schneider, with Robert Dean Hall, Robert Smith, Irene Theorin, English subtitles

Musical Score of 'Lohengrin', (1848) a Romantic Opera in 3 acts, 1920 (English verse)

YouTube: Lohengrin, Bayreuth Festival 2011, Cond. Andris Nelsons, Klaus Florian Vogt, Elsa van Brabant, G.Zeppenfeld, Samuel Young, with English subtitles

Lohengrin's “Wedding March”

YouTube: der Fliegende Hollander, de Nederlandse Opera, Cond. Hartmut Haenchen, Robert Lloyd, Catherne Naglestad, English subtitles

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Giuseppe Verdi 1813 - 1901

Libretto - Verdi "La Forza de Destino" Libretto English/Italian

YouTube: Verdi La Forza del Destino (1835), (Theme of "Jean de Florette"), Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, Cond X. Zang

Verdi's "La Forza del Destino Overture"

'Jean de Florette' (Forza) Theme (by Toots Thielemans)

Musical Score - Nabucco (1842, ‘Nebuchadnezzar & the Jewish exile to Babylon’, written as allegory, when Austria occupied Northern Italy) by Verdi, Google Books, an Opera in three acts, guide, in English text

YouTube: Nabucco, outdoor arena of Verona, Daniel Oren Cond., Leo Nucci, Fabio Sartori, Carlo Colombara, Maria Giuleghena, German subs

Nabucco’s "Hebrew Slave Choir"

Musical score - La Traviata (1853) by Verdi, Opera, Ed. 1859

YouTube: la Traviata at Salzburg, with Netrebko, Villazïon, Hampson . Eng and Russ. Subtitles

YouTube: la Traviata, with dir Marco Faelli, Stefania Bonfadelli, Placido Domingo, GeEorgio Germont, Spanish Subtitles

YouTube: la Traviata 2007, with Renee Fleming, Rolando Villazon, No Subtitles.

La Traviata “Drinking Song”

Musical score - La Rigoletto, (1851) by Verdi, an Opera in Italian

YouTube: Rigoletto by the Wiener Philharmonic 1982, Cond. Ricardo Chailly, with Ingvar Wizell, Luciano Pavarotti, English Subtitles

Rigoletto "Questo o Quello" ('this one or that') - Pavarotti

Musical score - Il Trovatore by Verdi (1852), (the Troubadour), 1917

YouTube: Il Trovatore, Leonora Anna Netrebko, Il Conte Luna - Placido Domingo, Manrico � Francesco Meli, German subs

Il Trovatore “Soldiers' Chorus”

Il Trovatore “Anvil Chorus”

Il Trovatore, "l'onda de suono mistici" (the mystic sound wave)

Musical score - The Masked Ball (Un ballo In Maschera), (1858) a classic tragedy by Verdi, an Opera in Italian with English translation, Ed. 1891

YouTube: a Masked Ball, Prague Touring Opera company, English subs

Musical score - Aida (1871) by Verdi, Opera in four Acts, Ed. 1897

YouTube: Aida, 1987 Houston, with Placido Domingo; with English subtitles

Verdi’s Aida “Triumphal March”

Musical Score - Otello, (1887) a lyric drama in four acts by Verdi, Ed. 1888

YouTube: Otello, with Vladimir Atlantov as Otello, Kiri te Kanawa , and Piero Cappuccilli, no subtitles

Falstaff, (1893) Lyrical comedy by Verdi, an Opera in three acts, musical score, in Italian and English text

YouTube: Falstaff, La Scala opera House, Cond Capuccio, no subs

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Johann Strauss I, 1804 - 1849, Johann Strauss II, 1825 - 1899, Richard Strauss 1865 - 1949

YouTube: Johann Strauss I “Radetsky March” 1848

Strauss New Years’ “Radetsky March”

YouTube: Strauss II “the Beautiful Blue Danube”, 1866

Johann Strauss “The Beautiful Blue Danube”

YouTube: Johann Strauss II “die Fledermaus”, 1874, Wiener Philharmoniker, Cond Karl Bohm, English Subtitles

Johann Strauss “Die Fledermaus Ouverture"

YouTube: Johann Strauss II “Emperor Walz” (Kaiserwalz), 1889, Andre Rieux (2008)

Johann Strauss “Kaiserwalz"

YouTube: Richard Strauss “Also sprach Zaratustra”, 1896, HR-Sinfonieorchester, Andrés Orozco-Estrada

Richard Strauss “Also sprach Zaratustra Overture”

Musical score of Elektra, by Richard Strauss (1909) and guide (1910) in English

YouTube: Elektra, with the Wiener Philharmoniker, with Cond. Karl Bohm, L. Rysanek, Astrid Varnay, Catharina Lygendza, with English subtitles

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Johannes Brahms 1833 - 1897

YouTube: Brahms - 21 Hungarian Dances, Wiener Philharmonic, Cond. Claudio Abbado

Brahms 'Hungarian Dance 5'

YouTube: Brahms - Symphony No 1 in C Minor, Op 68, Nederlands Filharmonisch Orkest, Hartmut Haenchen, Concertgebouw, 2021

Brahms 'Symphony 1', Cond. Simon Rattle

YouTube: Brahms - German Requiem, Op.45, Cond. Karajan - Wiener Singverein, Salzburg 1978

Brahms 'German Requiem'

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Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1840 - 1893

YouTube: Swan Lake by Peter Tchaikovsky – Sleeping Beauty, Ballet

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “Sleeping Beauty”

YouTube: Swan Lake by Peter Tchaikovsky - The Kirov Ballet, by Viktor Fedotov, with Yulia Mahkalina, Igor Zelensky, Ang. Kashirina

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaiovsky “Swan Lake”

YouTube: the Nutcracker by Peter Tchaikovsky - Valery Gergiev / Marinsky Ballet & Orchestra, St Petersburg

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “Nutcracker Suite - Walz of the Flowers”

YouTube: Peter Tchaikovsky - 1812

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky '1812 - Finale'

YouTube: Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4, f moll, Op.36 [New York Philharmonic, Leonard Bernstein]

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 'Forth - Finale'

YouTube: Tchaikovsky No.5, e moll, Op.64 (Boston Symphony Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein, Tanglewood, 1974)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 'Fifth' (Czaritza, from 1937 'Maytime')

YouTube: Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op.74 "Pathétique" (Mariinsky Orchestra, Valery Gergiev, Paris, 2020)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 'Sixth Pathetique'

YouTube: Tchaikovsky Romeo & Juliet, Gergiev · London Symphony Orchestra · BBC Proms 2007

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 'Romeo & Juliet'

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Giacomo Puccini 1858 - 1924

Manon Lescaut, by Puccini (1893), complete libretto

1 YouTube: Manon Lescaut, Casolla, Bini, Romero, Mariotti, Arena, C. Maestrini, with no subtitles

Musical score, La Boheme, by Puccini (1896), Opera, with Italian and English text

YouTube: La Boheme by La Scala Milan, Coarlos Kleiber Cond., Ileana Cotrebus, Luciano Pavarotti, without subtitles

Musical score, Tosca, by Puccini (1900), ed. 1800

YouTube: Tosca, New Philharmonia Orchestra, London, movie shot in Rome 1976, Kabaivanska, Placido Domingo, Milnes, with English subtitles

buy online

Tosca “Recondita Armonia” (hidden harmony) - Jonas Kaufmann

Tosca children's choir celebrating "Victory at Marenga”

Tosca “Aria”, by Angela Gheorghiu

Musical score, Madame Butterfly by Puccini (1904), Opera for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra, with Italian and English text

YouTube: 'Madame Butterfly' a Japanese Tragedy, Orchestre de Paris, Cond. by James Conlon, with Ying Huang, Richard Troxell, Jing Ma Fan, Christopheren Nomura, Constance Hauman, Engl. subtitles

Musical score - Turandot, daughter ('dot') of Turan, Princess of China (1924-26), by Puccini, 'the End of a Great tradition'

Turandot “Nessun Dorma” (Let her sleep)

1 YouTube: Puccini's Turandot, 1998 - Cond by by Zubin Mehta, of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, with Giovanna Casolla as Turandot, Sergei Larin as Calaf, Engl subs

2 YouTube: Turandot, 1998 - 3d act, Cond by by Zubin Mehta, of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, with Giovanna Casolla as Turandot, Sergei Larin as Calaf, no subs

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Gustav Mahler 1860 - 1911

YouTube: Mahler's 2d Symphony in C minor, "Auferstehung", with Leonard Bernstein, London Symphony Orchestra, Edinburgh Festival Chorus

Mahler's "2d Symphony - Resurrecion - Finale"

YouTube: Mahler's 3d Symphony in D minor, with Leonard Bernstein, Wiener Philharmoniker,-Staatsopernchor, -sangerknaben, 1972

Mahler's '3d Symphony - Finale'

YouTube: Mahler's 4th Symphony in G major, with Leonard Bernstein, Wiener Philharmoniker, Sopr Edith Mathis

Mahler's "4th Symphony"

YouTube: Mahler, 5th Symphony, Abbado - Lucerne Festival Orchestra 2004

Mahler's "5th Symphony- Adagietto"

Other composers

YouTube: Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) "Air", by Thijs van Leer, flute

Telemann "Air", by Thijs van Leer, flute, 1972

YouTube: William Blake (1757-1827) “Jerusalem” (Hubert Parry, Orch Elgar, Last Night of the Proms 2018), Lyrics

William Blake’s “Jerusalem”

Musical score: Der Freyschutz: Grand opera in three acts, von Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), arr. and ed. by J.C. Macy, 1895

YouTube: Carl Maria von Weber – Concertino 26 for Clarinet (Mehta – Sharon Kam)

Carl Maria von Weber “Concertino for Clarinet - Adagio”

YouTube: Meyerbeer (1791-1864) - Les Huguenots (1836), Sydney Opera House, Joan Sutherland, John Pringle (Engl Subs)

Meyerbeer 'Les Huguenots, March - A Mighty Fortress'

YouTube: Bellini (1801-1835) Il Puritani, with Pavarotti and Sutherland, the Met, 1976

Bellini “Il Puritani - Final Chorus”

YouTube: Berlioz (1803 - 1869) Symphony Fantastique, Cond Leonard Bernstein, "Orchestre National de France", Paris, 1976

Berlioz "Symphony Fantastique - 2d movement”

YouTube: Friedrich von Flotow (1812-1883) - Martha - Romantic Opera in four Acts (Abe Lincoln's favorite opera!)

von Flotow's “M'appari, Tutt'Amor” ('you appear all love to me', with Mario Lanza)

Musical score, Tales of Hoffmann, by Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), in English and French, 1877)

YouTube: Tales of Hoffman, First TV recording at the Met, NYC, 1973 (stereo)

Offenbach “Tales of Hoffmann", Act2, 'Friends'

YouTube: Bedrich Smetana (1824 - 1884) - Má vlast ("My Fatherland"), 1866, Jakub Hrusa, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, 2019

Smetana 'Vltava (the Moldau)'

Musical score, Camille Saint Saens (1835-1921), Samson and Delilah, Opera in three acts, in French and English text, 1895

YouTube: Samson & Delilah - Saint-Saens, BJU (Bob Jones University), English subs

Camille Saint-Saens “Samson & Delilah, Dieu d'Israel" (God of Israel)

YouTube: Carmen by Georges Bizet (1838-1875), in Verona, Cond Henrik Nanasi, with Ekatarina Semenchuk with German subtitles

YouTube: Bizet's Pearl Fisher Duet (with Andrea Bocelli, Bryn Terfel, New York Philharmonic, 2011)

Bizet 'the Pearl Fisher Duet'

YouTube: Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 - 1908), 'Flight of the Bumblebee' (excerpts)

Rimsky-Korsakov 'Flight of the Bumblebee', Marsalis on Trumpet

Musical Score Hansel und Gretel, by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921), fairy-tale opera in 3 acts, vocal score for Soli, Children's Choir and Orchestra, with English text

YouTube: Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921): Hansel Und Gretel - E. Gruberova, B. Fassbaender, G. Solti, English subs

Humperdinck's "Hansel & Gretel - Overture Horn Section"

YouTube: Edward Elgar (1857-1934) “Pomp and Circumstance”

Edward Elgar's “Land of Hope and Glory”

YouTube: Thomson’s 'Rule Britannia' (with Bryn Terfel, Last Night of the Proms 2012, with listed Lyrics)

Thomson’s “Rule Britannia”

YouTube: Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945) – Cavallaria Rusticana, Arena di Verona 2023

Mascagni “Cavallaria Rusticana”

YouTube: Debussy "Trois Nocturnes" (Cond. Pierre Boulez, Vienna Philharmonic, 1992)

Debussy "Fetes" (Bernstein explains 'Two fanfares')

YouTube: Stravinsky (1881-1971) Onedin Line theme – Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra

Stravinsky “Adagio from Spartacus" (Onedin Line theme)

YouTube: US Flag and Anthem Tribute

“the Star-Spangled Banner”

Sheet music for classical Harmonium / Church Organ

"NEW" Oude Meesters 1, Old Masters 1. pdf 4MB

"NEW" Oude Meesters 2, Old Masters 2. pdf 8MB

"NEW" Oude Meesters 4, Old Masters 4. pdf 5MB

"NEW" Oude Meesters 5, Old Masters 5. pdf 7MB

"NEW" Oude Meesters 7, Old Masters 7. pdf 7MB

"NEW" Cesar Franck, L’Organiste2. pdf 6MB

"NEW" Harmonium American Organ, Hassenstein. pdf 9MB

"NEW" The Holstein Little Organ Book Op32, das Holsteinische Orgel Buchlein, Micheelsen. pdf 9MB

Hymn Improvisations by Virginia Thomas, 1950, pdf 5MB

Harmonium Classical composers, pdf 4MB

Practice Pieces for Organ Sheet music:

50 Practice Pieces for Organ / Harmonium, Heft 1 and 2, by August Reinhard, Op74, pdf 5MB

Practice Pieces for Organ, Edmund Parlow, Pt2, Opus138, pdf 11MB

Intermezzi per Organo I, by Hendrik Andriessen, Prima Raccolta R204, pdf 2MB

Premier Choral pour Orgue, by Hendrik Andriessen, R273, pdf, 1MB

100 Organ Pieces, Pt2, 1st half, pdf, 4MB

100 Organ Pieces, Pt2, 2d half, pdf, 4MB

35 Miniature per Organo Flor Peeters, Op55, pdf, 3MB

Harmonium American Organ, Hassenstein, pdf, 9MB

Mozart for small Electronic Organs, with Pedals , TIF 9MB

L'Harmonium Religieux Volume2, No3562, Pierre Allevard, pdf 4MB

Classical and Opera Pieces for Organ Birnbach, RB814, 1920, pdf 4MB

Listen to an impressive 2-man rendition of Sousa's Stars & Stripes on the Heidelberg HeiligeGeistKirche organ, MP3

YouTube: 4 hrs of Handel Organ works

YouTube: Elgar Complete Organ works (1hr)

To relativate:

"Once they were composing, now they are decomposing"

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