Memorable Quotes on the Holy Land
Genesis 14:13 “Abr(a)ham was a Hebrew, from whom all Jews (through Isaac) and Arabs (through Ismael) descend”
A British UN Ambassador, long ago: “There are actually those who entertain views on today's Middle East, without ever having read the Bible"
King David, 1000BC: "If I forget you, O Jerusalem, May my right hand forget how to play the harp."
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, wrote in 1868 about Palestine as the 'Highlands of Asia' (author of 'Sinai and Palestine'), p130: 'In Palestine we are in the Highlands of Asia. This is all the more remarkable, because the Israelites were the only civilized nation then existing in the world which dwelt in a mountenous country. The great states of Egypt, Assyria, and India rose in the plains formed by the mightly rivers of empires. To go 'down into Egypt' and 'up into Canaan' were expressions as true as they are frequent in the accounts of Patriarchical migrations to and fro between the two countries'
Jerusalem, the only famed city not built near water, river or shore
6th century BC
Josephus' Antiquities Ant.xi. 1,2: "When Medo-Persian king Cyrus II (the Great) made his grand entrance into the great city of Babylon, he was shown by Daniel passages mentioning him by name in the historical book of Isaiah 45:1, 41:2-25; 42:6, 44:27,28, written 150 years before (750BC), he granted the captive Jews the right to return and rebuild Jerusalem."
Cyrus' conquest of Babylon foretold by prophet Isaiah
Cyrus' entry of Babylon via the Euphrates river foretold by prophet Isaiah 45:1,2
Jerusalem's rebuilding foretold by prophet Isaiah
Jerusalem's rebuilding as recorded by Cyrus himself (British Museum)
Jerusalem's rebuilding as recorded by Cyrus himself (Ezra1:2,3
4th century BC
Josephus Ant.xi. 8, §§ 4-6: "In 332BC, Priest Jaddua showed Alexander (the Great) passages from the book of Daniel about himself (Dan. 7:6, 8:5-8, 20-22, 11:3-4) which made him decide to spare the city of Jerusalem."
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, in 'Sinai & Palestine', p117, 1868, on the historical confluence of associations between empires in Palestine (ref also Dan8:22) 'Palestine between the return from the Captivity and the Christian era is a contest between 'the Kings of the North and the Kings of the South', the descendants of Seleucid and the descendants of Ptolemy, for the possession of the country... And when the West begins to rise, Palestine as the nearest point of contact, becomes the scene of chief contacts between Rome and Asia'
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, in 'Sinai & Palestine', p117, 1868, on the strategic location of Palestine 'There is no other country in the world..., where side by side are to be seen the hieroglyphics of the great Rameses, the cuneiform characters of Sennacherib, and the Latin inscriptions of Emperor Antoninus (Adrianus).'
1st century AD
Jews do not disappear from the land after 70AD: Under Roman rule, they flourish in the coastal plain and in the Galilee in cities like Yavneh, Bnei, Brak, Safed, Tiberias, and Zippora:
2d century AD
After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Titus and the Jew last stand at Massada in 73AD, Jews rebel again in 134AD under Bar Kochba: Roman Emperor Hadrian (ruled 117 to 138AD) bars Jews from Jerusalem, and renames the land 'Paelestina' after the long-disappeared Greek Philistines (ref. Ps83:4 'that Israel's name be remembered no more'), and renames Jerusalem 'Aelio Capitolina' (after 'Jupiter/ZeusPatyr', the great 'all-father' of the Romans ^& Greeks).
3d century AD
Roman Emperor Caracalla (ruled 198 to 217AD) bestows Roman citizenship on the Jews in Israel, as 'free residents of the empire', in Antoniniana de Civitate (ref Salo BAron, "A social and religious history of the Jews' Vol11, 1951:"because they are a people with their own country"
6th century AD
In the sixth century, a militant force rises in the Middle East, which takes the Bible and inverts its historical narrative: 'The Biblical roles of the two sons of Abraham, Isaac, (the free born), father of Israel(ites), and Ismael, (the slave born), father of Arabs, are inverted in a new and violent desert religion, called 'submission' to this new colonizing power ('Islam').
7th century AD
Jews do not disappear from the land until their eviction by Arabs: In 636AD, the Arabs burst into the Holy Land from the Arabian Peninsula, having earlier destroyed Jewish communities there. During the first two centuries of Arab rule, Jews are reduced to an insignificant minority in their own land.
Thus it is not the Jews who usurp the land from the Arabs, but the Arabs who usurp the land from the Jews, the original settlers!
1500 AD
Martin Luther, 1538, 'Against the Sabbatarians: Letter to a good friend’ "Let them go to that country and to Jerusalem, build their temple, the priesthood, and submit to the law, and raise Moses with his law so they will be Jews again and possess the land. If that would happen, they would quickly find us behind them to become Jews ourselves”.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616):
"I'll make a voyage to the Holy Land"
"To wash this blood off from my guilty hand."
1600 AD
Adrian Reland ((Hadrianus Relandus, 1676-1718) on the Holy Land (1695!), then called 'Palaestina', publ. in Utrecht (Trajecti Batavorum) 1714: “In 1695 everyone knew that the origin of the country was Jewish. In 1695 there is not a single settlement in Palestine that has Arabic roots (most settlements have Jewish originals, and in some cases, Greek or Roman (Nablus is a Samaritan town, from the Greek NeaPolis). Even the name Palestine was stolen from the Romans, who stole it fomr the short-lived Philistines of old. In 1695, about 550 people lived in Gaza, half Jews, half Christians. Jews were farmers (vineyards, olives, grapes), Christians were engaged in trade and transportation. Later Muslim Arabs were colonizers from elsewhere.”
1695 Adrian Relandi's 'Palaestina' (Latin)
Conclusions of Adrian Reland (Hadrianus Relandus, 1676-1718) on the Holy Land (1695), then called 'Palaestina', publ. in Utrecht 1714: 'The country is mainly empty, abandoned, sparsely populated, the main population being in Jerusalem, Akko, Tsfat, Jaffa, Tveira, and Gaza. Most of the population are Jews, almost everyone else is Christian, very few Muslims, mostly Bedouins. The only exception is Nablus (NeaPolis, now Shechem), where approximately 120 people from the Muslim family Nasha and approximately 70 "Shomronims (Samaritans) live'
1695 Adrian Relandi: Gaza had 500 inhabitants, none of them Muslim
Conclusions of Adrian Reland (Hadrianus Relandus, 1676-1718) on the Holy Land (1695), then called 'Palaestina', publ. in Utrecht 1714: 'In Nazareth, the capital of Galilee, lived approximately 700 people, all Christians. In Jerusalem, there are about 5000 people, almost all Jews and a few Christians'.
Bishop Thomas Newton 1754: "They are dispersed among all nations, yet not confounded with any. After wars massacres and persecutions, they are still subsist, they are quite numerous. What supernatural power could have preserved the Jews in such a manner as no other nation on earth has been preserved? "
On the Nonconformist and Evangelical thought toward taking the lead in restoring the Jews to Zion (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p268) "Two Puritans, mid-17th century, residing in Holland - Joanna and Ebenezer Cartwright - petitioned their government "That this Nation of England, with the inhabitants of the Netherlands, shall be the first and the readiest to transport Jizraell's sons and daughters in their ships to the Land promised for their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as an everlasting inheritance”
1700 AD
Frederick the Great ~1780: The king of Prussia, Frederick the Great, in a discussion with his court chaplain once said: “Give me proof of the inspiration of the Bible.” The chaplain answered, “Israel, your majesty.”
On America and Israel as a Promised Lands:
'America was the guardian of liberty worldwide. As the idea of a nation founded on the idea of a new promisd land, it had natural affinity for the rebirth of the Jewish nation in the original Promised Land.'
US President John Adams, 1797-1801 to Jefferson: ""I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize man than any other nation.""
Napoleon, in 1799, in anticipation of conquering the Holy Land (which did not come about)
'published a proclamation for a Jewish homeland there.'
Napoleon emancipated the French Jews during the French Revolution:
'Jews were declared equal to French citizens, the yellow star of David was abolished, he lifted laws that limited Jews rights to property, worship and certain occupations. He also eroded their 'separateness' by restricting their right to lend money, restricting certain regions to which Jews were allowed to migrate, and requiring Jews to take formal names, and passed laws that allowed the government to infringe on their religious life'
1800 AD
US President John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829: "I believe in the rebuilding of Judea as an independent nation."
US traveler John Lloyd Stephens in 1825 on the Temple Mount: "Since islamic rule, Jews are not allowed near the site of the temple: they just whisper to it from afar."
from 'Peasant Life in the Holy Land' (p.99, written 1851/2, publ 1906 by CT Wilson):
"The Late Bishop Gobat on his appointment to the English Bishopric in Jerusalem in 1849 found that there were practically no schools at all for the Arabic-speaking population"."
Abraham Lincoln, in 1863, on return of the Jews to their ancient homeland: "a noble dream and one shared by many Americans."
Mary Lincoln-Todd, in 1865, on president Lincoln's death:
"He was saying there was no city he so much desired to see as Jerusalem. And with the words half spoken on his tongue, the bullet of the assassin entered the brain, and the soul of the great and good President was carried by the angels to the New Jerusalem above."
Mark Twain, in 1867, 'Innocents Abroad' (p361-362): "..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."
1867 Innocents abroad
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley,in 1873, while listing the rich Biblical variation of trees in the Israel of old, such as cedars, oaks, terebinths, sycamores, palm trees (of Jericho), laments the barrenness of Palestine: 'Sinai and Palestine' (p136-141), 1873: "Forest and large timber [with few exceptions] are not known. Cornfields, and in the neighbourhood of Christian populations, as at Bethlehem, vineyards creep along the ancient terraces."
1868, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley on modern the wide variey of trees mentioned in the Bible: (P136-141) 250million trees 'How Israel got “from hardly a tree or shrub anywhere” to being one of the only countries in the world that ended the 20th century with more trees than it had in 1900 is primarily due to the efforts of the Jewish National Fund, which since its founding in 1901, has planted over 250 million trees throughout Israel.'
Mark Twain: “A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.”
Isaac Taylor, 'Giant Cities of Bashan', (Golan)Josias L. Porter, 1867: "Palestine's palaces are dust, her stately columns fallen, her streets silent, her fields desolate, while God alone performs his dreadful part, fulfilling to the very letter the prophethic curses pronounced upon the land long, long centuries ago" (Lev. 26:30, Is.22:3, 33:14, Joel1:6-12)
Isaac Taylor, 'Words and Places', 1873: "It is singular that the Philistines, the "strangers" from Crete", who merely occupied a narrow strip of the sea-coast, should through their contact with the western world, have given their name to the whole of the land of Palestine, in which they never succeeded in gaining any lasting supremacy."
the Philistines' brief sojourn in the Canaan
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, wrote in 1881 (author of 'Sinai and Palestine', p117, 1868): 'In Judea, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that for miles and miles there was no apparent life or habitation'
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, wrote in 1868 about Bethlehem (author of 'Sinai and Palestine'), p163: 'Along its slopes may be traced the vinyards of Judah, here kept up with greater energy, because its (Bethlehem's) inhabitiants are Christian'
Close associate of Dwight L Moody, the evangelist leader of the day, William Blackstone, in a letter to US president Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893): "Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians, Servia to the Servians, now give Palestine back to the Jews? These provinces, as well as Roumania, Montenegro, and Greece, were wrested from the Turks and given to their natural owners. Does not Palestine, from which they were evicted by force, not belong to the Jews?"
On ending 1000 years of Arab Muslim slavery:
"The British, who had earlier abolished the slave trade via the 'Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade' (1807, under Wilberforce's tireless 20-year fight, moved by charitable Christian motives) and abolished slavery itself via the 'Slavery Abolition Act' of 1833, also enforced the abolition of muslim slavery by Arab Zanzibar (1873), although it went on illicitly in Zanzibar and elsewhere in Africa until well into the 20th century, with ruthless Arab traders (in slaves and ivory) like notorious figure Tippu Tib devastating Eastern Congo, finally being edged out by rival commercial and political interests from Western powers.
Arab Muslim slavers in Africa
On the rebuilding of Africa after 1000 years of Arab Muslim slavery:
While the Berlin Conference of 1884 had agreed spheres of influence in Africa, and sought 'to terminate slavery by black and Islamic powers in Africa', it was the West's (separate) Christian missionary efforts, unlike Islam, that did so much to subsequently help rebuild Africa (by education, administration, health and sanitation, agriculture, order and rule of law). "
Arab Muslim Colonialism, with entire civilizations wiped out and millions killed
recent Islamic terrorist poster found, with inscription: 'First Constantinopel, then Rome'
Author Ludwig Schneller, born in Jerusalem and raised in Bethlehem, 1889 (Chapter on Bethlehem', Book: 'Kent Gij het Land?' p22, 'Kennst du das Land?'): "Until recently the surrounding lands were void and desolate. All labor appeared fruitless. Only remnants of cultivation of terraces near the foot of the mountains showed evidence of ancient Israelite thrift.”
Ludwig Schneller, 1889 (Chapter on 'Land and Money', KGhL p66): "The curse on this land Palestine is not only on account of the (Arab) population, but its (Turkish) government that takes from its subjects, and allows itself to be bribed"
Ludwig Schneller 1889 (Chapter on 'Land and Money', KGhL, p68: "One can put the blame squarely on the Turkish government which has allowed the destruction of the forests in Palestine by allowing the removal of firewood and the grazing of young saplings"
Historian and Dean of Westminster, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, in 'Sinai & Palestine', p121, 1868, on the wholesale deforestation of Palestine 'The forest of Bethel, the forest of Sharon, the forest which gave its name to Kirjath-Jearim, 'the city of forests', have long disappeared... The very labour which was expended on these sterile hills in former times, has increased their present sterility. The natural vegetation has been swept away, and no human cultivation now occupies the terraces and pastures'
Ludwig Schneller, 1889 (Chapter on 'Land and Money', KGhL p79):
"Moses gives the law to Israelites that plowing animals should not be unequally yoked. Yet Arab farmers in Palestine will gladly yoke a horse to a donkey, or a camel to a cow. This author has personally witnessed a donkey being yoked together with the farmer's wife."
Ludwig Schneller, 1889 (Chapter on 'Marriages'), KGhL p114: "Polygamy leads to poverty, domestic discord and smaller families. Arab girls marry young, as young as 8 or 9 years old. She has no say, she goes to the highest bidder, and always to a relative."
has anything changed in the Middle East?
Ludwig Schneller 1889 (Chapter on 'Bethlehem'), KGhL p21: "There are 7000 inhabitants in Bethlehem (in 1889), with only several hundred Mohammedans.”
Bethlehem - Beth Lechem, House of Bread
Ludwig Schneller, 1889 (Chapter on 'Bethlehem', KGhL p21: "Yet here in Bethlehem (with all the reminders of Christ's past presence), I experienced in the desperate conditions of this poor land something like the voice of an angel, saying: "He is no longer here"
on Theodore Herzl's prophetic insights "in August 1897, following the First Zionist Congress, which he convened inBasel, Switzerland, Herzl wrote in his diary: "In Basel I founded the Jewish State. If I say this aloud today, I will be met with widespread laughter. But perhaps in five years, certainly in fifty, everyone will recognize this." (The UN voted in favor of Israel's statehood in 1947!)
1900 AD
on Theodore Herzl's achievement: ('Bibi', My Life, p225) 'In 1904, Herzl died at the age of forty-four, a giant in history. In the eight short years between 1896 and 1904 he changed the course of Jewish destiny, by giving his people a practical plan and practical organizations to achieve national salvation, after two millennia of unrelenting massacres, exiles, and progroms.'
On the Ottomans (the 'Porte') ethnic makeup during WW1 (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p210) 'The (Turkish) Porte was suspicious not only of Christians, but also of Jews - especially the 60,000 or more of them in Palestine'
On the Ottomans traversing Palestine to attack Egypt in 1915 (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p121) "The roads of Palestine were so bad that not even horse-drawn carts could move along many of them”
On the idealism that drew Jews to Palestine around 1900 (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p210) "Those who chose the hardships of pioneer life in barren Palestine (- instead of America welcoming them from pogroms in Eastern Europe -) were dreamers who asked only to be allowed to practice their religion or their ideals in peace”
On Kibutzim (Enc. Britannica 'In 1900 there were 19 kibutzim, 47 in 1918 (even though the majority of Jews were town dwellers). The population of Palestine was about 690,000, (535K Muslims, 70K Christians (mostly Arabs), and 85K Jews)'
On South Africa's Jan Smuts attitude towards return of the Jews (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p210) 'Like Lloyd George, Smuts has grown up believing "that the day will come when the words of the prophets will come true, and Israel will return to its own land" and he fully agreed with David Lloyd George (British PM from 1916-22) that the Jewish homeland should be Palestine
On South Africa's proposal by Jan Smuts in 1916 for a Palestine Mandate (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace') 'As a Boer steeped in the Bible, Smuts strongly supported the idea (of a mandate) when it was raised in the Cabinet. As he later pointed out: "The people of South Africa, and especially the older Dutch population, had been brought up entirely on Jewish tradition. The Old Testament ... has been the very marrow of Dutch culture here in South Africa"'
William Ormsby-Gore, member in 1918 of the British war cabinet, on the Arabs in Palestine being actively supported by the British military (drawn from Muslim areas like India, Sudan and Egypt) subverting the Balfour treaty (they were replaced in three months by a civilian administration when found out). (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p323) "The Arabs in Palestine are, I gather, showing their old tendency to corrupt methods, with backsheesh, and are endeavouring to 'steal a march on the Jews'”
Weizman on meeting Feisal (Note that significant number of European Bosnians (60K) moved to Palestine after Austria's occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878). (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p324) "He is the first Arab nationalist I have met. He is a leader! ....He is not interested in Palestine, but on the other hand, he wants Damascus and the whole of Northern Syria. .....He is contemptuous of the Palestinian Arabs who he doesn't even regard as Arabs ('but only Arabic-speaking')”
Lloyd George's reaction to Feisal's public statement that the Arabs serving him and his father's army numbered about 100,000 men in the Syria campaign (it was actually more like 3,500).(Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p377) "Eastern arithmetic is proverbially romantic"
On Bosnian immigration to Palestine (Wikipedia, under 'Late Arab and Muslim immigration to Palestine') Note that significant number of muslim Bosnians (60K = 10% of Palestine) in Europe (converted Serbs, to benefit from excemptions on muslim tax on infidels) moved to Palestine after Christian Austria's occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 and annexation in 1908 (fearing retaliation, since the muslims in the Ottoman empire had committed many atrocious massacres of Christians in the Balkans, with victims numbering in the 100,000's)
Lloyd George on the (many) treaties during WW1 (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p401) "The Treaties of Paris constitute the greatest measure of national liberation of subject nations ever achieved by any war settlement on peace settlement has ever emancipated as many subject nationalities from the grip of foreign tyranny (= the Muslim Ottomans) as did that of 1919”
 the "23 State Solution': 22 to the Arabs, and 1 to the Jews
To the victor the spoils: "The influence of the Balfour Declaration (of 1917) on the course of post-war events was immediate: According to the “mandate” system created by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britain was entrusted with the temporary administration of Palestine, with the understanding that it would work on behalf of both its Jewish and Arab inhabitants.”
Republican president Teddy Roosevelt, ardent Zionist, in 1918, on return of the Jews to their ancient homeland: "It seems to me that it is entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem,’ for peace would only happen if Jews were given Palestine.”
Democrat president Woodrow Wilson, in 1918, on return of the Jews to their ancient homeland: "The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth.”
On the not-so-secret French interests in the Holy Land during WW1 (Orlando Figes, 'The Crimean War, a History') French meddling in Jerusalem sparked the Crimean War of 1854
Against Britain's wishes for Syria in 1920, with Feisal instated as ruler (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p401) "the French government inaugurated a diplomatic and propaganda campaign designed to prevent neighboring Palestine from becoming 'a Zionist state'”
An American missionary in 1920 prophetically cautioning a British civil commissioner's assistant, Gertrude Bell, attempting to unite Mesopotamian provinces (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p451) "You are flying in the face of four millennia of history if you try to draw a line around Iraq (formerly governed by the Ottomans) and call it a political entity”
Chaim Weizmann (then a scientist) in 1921, while traveling by boat to the US to raise funds for the Hebrew University: "Einstein explained his theory (of relativity) to me every day, and on my arrival I was fully convinced that he understood it.”
Albert Einstein, in 1921, on the Zionist ideal of a homeland: "Zionism indeed represents a new Jewish ideal that can restore to the Jewish people the joy in their existence.”
Future first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, in 1921: "We look forward to a future where Jews and Arabs will live shoulder to shoulder in Palestine, and work together towards the welfare of the nation"
Close associate of Dwight L Moody, the evangelist leader of the day, William Blackstone, saw the principles of his 1916 petition to Democrat Woodrow Wislon enshrined in American law in 1922, under the Fish-Lodge Resolution that called for: 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People'
Author Hans Habe quotes the British High Commissioner for Palestine saying in 1923 on the extremely fertile valley of Jezreel (p165) "The land of Esdraelon was uninhabitable, not a house or a tree."
Who really designed the VW VolksWagen Beetle in 1928? A Jewish fellow named Josef Ganz and his 'May Bug Beetle' in 1928, before fleeing Nazi Germany in 1934
Josef Ganz
On the 23Aug, 1929 Hebron massacre by Arabs: In 1929 there was no State of Israel (to protest), but Hebron turned into a city of terror, when Arabs in a 3-day frenzy, tearing down homes and synagogues, killing 67 Jews in a community of 800, with whom they had been living in peace for many years. The aftermath left Hebron ethnically cleansed Jews for the first time in centuries, who had relocated to Jerusalem
Massacres of Jews in Palestine, early 20th century, by Arabs
On Yasser Arafat: 'Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1929 (his father's mother was Egyptian, his father born in facist Ottoman Gaza), while Egypt was administered by the British Mandate'. The Russian KGB pushed the narrative that Arafat was born in Jerusalem, but his heavy Egyptian accent (and birth certificate) gave him away.
On Yasser Arafat's mother Zawha: 'There is a (disputed) claim that Yasser Arafat's mother was related to the revered mufti of Jerusalem, who spent WW2 in Berlin with the Nazis, since he was wanted for war crimes'
Yasser Arafat, cont.: 'Young Yasser Arafat shares several dubious distinctions with Adolf Eichmann, such as attending Jewish religious services (in the Jewish Quarter in Cairo), and enjoying their hospitality, in order to 'understand' them better (Eichmann was executed for Jewish blood on his hands, Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize)'
On Gaza: 'Jews have had a (frequently interrupted) presence in Gaza for millennia. Egypt occupied it illegally in 1948, Israel took it back in 1967. In 2006, 10,000 Jewish farmers were removed from Gaza by Sharon 'to improve relations with Arabs'. All their (Jewish) farms lie waste to this day, and the innumerable rockets from Gaza prove that 'land for peace' does not work'
A 1927 coin with 'Palestine' in English shows in Hebrew initials 'The Land of Israel'
the Peel Commission, 1937: 'After violent unrest by Arabs, the British Peel Commission offered in a partition plan 80% of Palestine to the Arabs, and 20% to the Jews. The Jews accepted, the Arabs (under Al-Husseini of the Muslim Brotherhood, and renowned NAZI collaborator) did not.'
Awni Bey Abdelhadi, Syrian Arab leader to the Peel commission of 1937 'There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented.There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. "Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it.
On the claim that the Palestinians descend from pre-Israelite Jebusites, Canaanites, or Philistines: The Koran mentions no Jebusites, Canaanites nor even Philistines
1933 Jewish Max Baer, with star of David, beat Hitler's fave Max Smeling, in 'Fight of the Year'
Awni Bey Abdelhadi, Syrian Arab leader to the Peel commission of 1937
“Every Arab in Palestine will do everything in his power to crush down Zionism, because Zionism and Arabism can never be united together"
1946 Palestine Plan of Partition, rejected by Arabs
Yad Vashem: "550,000 Jewish soldiers fought with the US forces against the fascists in World War 2, of whom over 10,000 were killed in action. Another 500,000 fought for the Soviet Union, of whom 120,000 died in combat and 80,000 were killed by the Germans as POWs; 100,000 fought for Poland, of whom 30,000 fell; 30,000 fought for Britain, and many other nations."
on Arab violence and retaliation: "Despite fighting en masse with the WW2 allies, no Jew ever took revenge on a single German after WW2"
on Jewish soldiers on the Russian front, as told by Hanna Marton in Claude Lanzmenn's documentary of Holocaust survivors "the Four Sisters", whose husband was forced to go, and whose brother died in a minefield: "During World War 2, 60,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to the Russian front, but were kept unarmed, and had to assist the Germans with labor, and act as human mine detectors. Only 5000 returned."
on the Arabs during WW2: " During World War 2, the Arabs and Turks were aligned with the fascists powers: the Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, spent the war in Berlin, and afterwards sought refuge in Egypt to avoid prosecution for war crimes."
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler discuss the pressing need for Jewish extermination
The following is an excerpt from an official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. '1. He (the Fuhrer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe.
2. At some moment which was impossible to set exactly today but which in any event was not distant, the German armies would in the course of this struggle reach the southern exit from Caucasia.
3. As soon as this had happened, the Fuhrer would on his own give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power. In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. It would then be his task to set off the Arab operations, which he had secretly prepared.'
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist', the assassination of Democrat presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy' by Mel Ayton, p33, quoting Alan Dershowitz: 'The (pre-1945) Palestinian leadership, with the acquiescence of most of the Arabs of Palestine, actively supported the Holocaust and Nazi Germany and bears considerable moral, political ....culpability for the murder of many Jews'
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist' by Mel Ayton, p34, quoting Alan Dershowitz: 'The Jews got the Balfour Declaration for supporting the right side in WW1. The Arabs in Palestine got the generous offer of partition after siding with Hitler in WW2'
on the UN offer of the 1948 partition of the Holy Land:''Arabs were offered 187k acres and refused, Jews 42k acres and accepted'
Isaiah 66:8 on Israel's Declaration of Independence 14 May, 1948
"Can a country be born in a day or a nation be delivered in an instant? Yet as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children"
Eliezer Ben Yehuda working on the prophecy of Hebrew revival of Zephaniah 3:9
Amos 9:15 on Israel's Declaration of Independence 14 May, 1948
"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them"
According to Article 80 of the UN charter incorporated into the Mandate for Palestine, The Oct24, 1945 Accordingly, the UN or any other entity cannot transfer Jewish rights - including immigration and settlement - to any other party.
According to Article 80 of the UN charter and the Mandate for Palestine 'the 1967 war of self defense returned Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to its legal owner, the Jewish State.'
Also, according to Article 80 of the UN charter and the Mandate for Palestine: Legally, and geo-strategically, the rules of 'belligerent occupation' do not apply to Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, since they are not foreign territory, while Jordan did NOT have a legitimate title over the so-called Westbank (moreover, the rules of 'belligerent occupation' do not apply in view of the 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty. The 1950-1967 Jordanian occupation of the so-called Westbank (of the Jordan river) was illegitimate according to Article 80 of the UN charter).
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist' by Mel Ayton, p35, quoting the Arab-sponsored Institute for Palestinian Studies in Beirut, which found that 'the majority of Arab refugees in 1948 were not expelled and 68 percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier'
IsraelToday: on land ownership in Palestine under the Ottomans (1517-1917): 'There was no land ownership under the Ottomans before 1858, only after this time land registration became possible. Just half the lands of Palestine were considered arable by them ('Miri' = cultivated, land which could be rented for 10% of the harvest), but went mostly unused (or 'Mawat' = fallow)'.
A comparison on land ownership in the newly independent United States ('Undaunted Courage' by Stephen Ambrose, p42): 'Taxes are due on 'warrant land', so as to prevent its forfeiture to the state as vacant or abandoned land'.
on land ownership in Palestine under the British (1917 - 1947) "When the British inherited this system in 1918 (chaotic and corrupt, to avoid payment of taxes), there were few documents except those of Arabs who had registered and of Jewish purchases from Arabs (often at very high prices). The British maintained the status quo".
on land ownership under Israel (after 1948) In 1948, 15% of the land of Palestine was owned by Jews, 20% was owned by Druze, Arab, and Christians (such as religious institutions, aka 'Mulk-land'). The cultivated 'Miri' lands that were not owned by Arabs (and who left in 1948, so now unrented, unowned, uncultivated, fallow 'Mawat' lands) were nationalised in 1948.
Democrat President Truman on May 14, 1948, the first to recognize Israel's independence after the UN vote: "The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel."
"I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
the London 'Economist' publication, 02 Oct,1948:
"Jewish Agencies published an appeal for Arabs to stay in Haifa. They promised safety and immunity, but of the 62,000 not more than 4 or 5 thousand remained"
1948 Arab invasion of the new state of Israel
1948, May 1 Arab invasion of the new state of Israel, 2 weeks before statehood!
Murray Greenfield, US sailor from NYC, helping destitute Holocaust survivors back to Palestine, in 'L'Chaim: "Arabs were called Arabs. The Jews were the Palestinians then [before 1948]"
1939 Flag of Palestine, Larousse Encyclopedique
Only Jews were called Palestinians before 1948
Jewish-owned 'Palestine Post' (later the 'Jerusalem Post'): "Before 1948, the designation 'Palestinian' applied exclusively to the many Jews of Palestine."
Arabs boycott Palestinian (=Jewish) goods in 1945
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist'by Mel Ayton, 2007, p36: 'Despite claims that Israel's victory in the 1948 war left over one million refugees, (this includes) relatives who entered Israel from 1946 onward, and their numbers were closer to four hundred thousand'
1948 Jewish refugees from Arab Countries
1950 Iraqi revocation of citizenship for all Jews (75 years ago in 2025)
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist" by Mel Ayton, 2007, p36: 'What few Westerners realize(d) is that Palestinians were (and are to this day) hated throughout the Arab world'
Philistines in Brief
'This must go!'
Hans Habe, 'In King David's Footsteps', 1970s (p135) "Only after the partition plan (Balfour, 1920s), did many Arabs come in from Jordan, so not as refugees, but as immigrants, looking for economic chances in Jewish agricultural enterprises"
Oren Barsky on X: "Many Arabs in Palestine were migrant workers, who were not registered in the population records. Therefore, most pictures you see of Palestinian passports, companies, insfrastructure, sports teams, entertainment, institutions etc (meant as fake proof of a 'Palestinian state') are of Jews, not Arabs."
pre-1948: the Jewish paper 'Palestine Post'
Hans Habe (p169) "Arabs like to believe in a united Arab fatherland. In 1948, many Arabs left Israel to return home. After the Arab war of annihilation against foundling Israel, only 157,000 Arabs remained in Israel. Of those who left, while they may have lost their dwellings in Israel, the surrounding Arabs stole their fatherland."
'1947 A Tale of Two Partitions'
"Does the 'right of return' mean, that all stolen goods and possessions of expelled Jews from Arab lands in 1948 will be restored?"
'Until the 1940's, like Palestine itself, no independent Arab nations surrounding Palestine had existed for centuries or even thousands of years, if ever.'
'The Palestine people do not exist'.
In 1940, the Palestine-Mandate Football team was all-Jewish
from The Forgotten Terrorist' by Mel Ayton, 2007, p36, quoting an Arab-American journalist on the success of the Palestinian propaganda machine (using the Palestinians exploited in ghettos in the Arab world as a weapon against Israel): 'There is no language known as Palestinian, there is no distinct Palestinian culture, there has never been a Palestinian land ruled by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arab-speakers, indistinguishable from Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis (all Arabs, which control 99.9% of the Middle Eastern lands).'
'Arab Muslim colonies'
Diplomat from Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria."
On the 1949 General Armistice Agreement, GAA, mediated by Ralph Bunche, who received the Nobel Peace Prize (from ‘Six Days of War’ by Michael Oren, 2002): "Under it’s ambiguous terms, the 1949 agreement between Israel and it’s adversaries Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, one side, the Arab, claimed full belligerent rights, including the right to renew active hostilities at will, and denied the other side any form of legitimacy or recognition"
1951-56 Arab terrorist raids into the new state of Israel
On the 1949 General Armistice Agreement, GAA, (from ‘Six Days of War’ by Michael Oren, 2002): 'Not all Arab regimes were opposed to peace, in principle at least: the Syrians offered to resettle 300,000 refugees in return for control over half the Sea of Galilee, Jordan wanted a corridor to the Mediterranean, and Egypt demanded the entire Negev (62% of Israel's territory)'
Hans Habe (p167) "At the same time of the flight of the Arabs out of Israel back home in 1948, the Jewish exodus from Arab lands started: 235,000 escaped from Morocco, 124,000 from Iraq, 46,000 from Yemen, 43,000 from Tunisia, 37,000 from Egypt, 32,000 from Libya, 12,000 from Algiers, and 8,000 from what is now Syria"
 the Jewish refugee numbers are even higher
Bagdad, largest Jewish city after Jerusalem in 1928 (Al Hirschfelt)
On Bagdad as a city where Jews were economically preponderant (Fromkin's 'A Peace to end all Peace', p306) "Bagdad one thousand years ago had become the seat of the exilarch - the head of the Jewish religion in the eastern diaspora - and thus the capital of oriental Judaism”
Mosje Dayan, in 'Story of my life' on land purchases in the 1930s: "Sometimes we purchased the land from Arabs - often at very inflated prices - and set up Jewish villages where there had once been Arab villages"
The story of a mountain village, Peki'in, in Northern Galilee with a 2000 year Jewish history (W. Kortenoeven, Israel Aktueel, May21): "During the 1936-39 Arab war of terror, all Jews of Peki'in were expelled"
Hans Habe (p170+) "The UN Organisation’s UNWRA recognized 536K refugees from Palestine in 1948. In 1966 this number had grown on paper to 1.35 million, at an assumed birthrate of 5% when in fact the Arab population had been stagnant at 600,000 in Palestine for 400 years under the Ottoman Turks."
Hans Habe on UN alchemy, 1948 and beyond (p170) "The United Nation Organisation UNWRA (12,000 employees then) created the 'Palestinian' from a test tube: any Arab who had resided 2 years in Palestine was declared a 'Palestinian'."
On Palestine partition plans: "Three times the Arabs were offered a partition plan with their own state: the 1917 Balfour declaration (which still included present-day Jordan, which was split off by the British as Palestinian 'Trans-Jordan' in 1922), the 1937 Peel plan (with only 17% of the land going to the Jews, with a maximum population limit of 500K Jews), and in 1947 during the United Nations nationhood vote for Israel. Three times the Arabs rejected a second Palestinian state."
1922 Division of Palestine into Jewish ('Israel') and Palestinian states ('Jordan')
On Jordan as the REAL Palestinian State: 'Jordan, over half of the Mandate partition, is technically 'Palestine': 70% of the Jordanian population is Palestinian Arab. Palestinain Arabs retained their Jordanian citizenship, until Jordan renounced all claims to the so-called West Bank on 31 July 1988, where they lost their Jordanian nationality and citizenship rights.'
More on Jordan as THE Palestinian State: 'In 1951, Hashemite King Abdullah Al-Hussein of Jordan after independence in 1947 (Emir of Trans-Jordan from 1921), was assassinated by a Palestinian Arab of the Al-Husseini clan'
100 years on (since Jordan was assigned to the Arabs form Palestine), Hamas' Senior Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: 'Most of Hamas leaders are Jordanian citizens: if we had to leave Qatar, we would go to Jordan'
Diplomat from Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria."
Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, 1950s: "If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert."
"To be a realist, you have to believe in miracles."
"We can defeat the Arabs a hundred times, and still have the same problem. They only need to defeat us once, and we are done for."
President Dwight Eisenhower, 1957 on return of the Jews to their ancient homeland: "Our forces saved the remnant of the Jewish people of Europe for a new life and a new hope in the reborn land of Israel. Along with all men of good will, I salute the young state and wish it well."
"The health of our society depends upon a deep and abiding respect for the basic commandments of the God of Israel."
Pres candidate John F Kennedy, 1959: "Let us make it clear that we will never turn our backs on our steadfast friends in Israel, whose adherence to the democratic way must be admired by all friends of freedom.”
Pres candidate John F Kennedy, March 17, 1958, referring to basic Arab rivalries, quarrels over boundaries, economic pressures, and cross purposes of nationalism in the Arab world: "Even by the coldest calculations, the removal of Israel would not alter the basic crisis in the area”
Pres candidate John F Kennedy, 1960: "Friendship with Israel is not a partisan matter, it is a national commitment”
Ariel Sharon in his Autobiography, on the subject of Jewish land in the 1920s and 30s (p24): "My parents and other Moshav families had built their village out of nothing (Kfar Malal, later destroyed by Arabs in 1921). Through years of backbreaking labor they had taken a malarial wasteland and forced it into productivity. They had refused to tolerate the degrading conditions into which they were born, but instead had gone out and remade their lives. Not one of them had a single question about their right to the land"
Hussain Abdul-Hussain on the UN general Assembly resolution 181: 'The resolution stipulated a Jewish state and an Arab state, not a Palestinian state. Arabs were Arabs then, called their revolution of 1936 an 'Arab revolution', used Arab flags, even after 1948 they did not call themselves "Palestinian', a term still referring to Jews of Palestine. When Syria seceeded from the Nasser's United Arab Union in 1961, and after Nasser took a beating in Yemen in 1962, to avenge his losses he tried to get the Jordanians (who had occupied the Westbank since 1948, so-called by Jordan on the Eastbank) and Saudis back. He instigated (in the early sixties) the Arabs of the Westbank to secede from Jordan and create a Palestinian state that would join Nasser's United Arab Republic (Egypt).
Mosje Dayan "After a cabinet decision, the Israeli government announced that all refugees who went to Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait, and who wished to return would be allowed to do so up to August 10, 1967. But very few did. They had to go through the Jordanian government, who held them up and placed obstacles in their way"
1967 Israel's Six Day war - Northern Front (Mosje Dayan - Story of my Life)
On the PLO It is fact that the Palestinian Liberation Organisation PLO, founded in 1964, did not claim the 'Westbank' (so named by Jordan, when the Jordanians took it from Israel in 1948 and occupied it for several decades). That only happened after 1967, when Jordan was expelled from Judea and Samaria, the spoils of a war which had been started by Jordan

Arabs renamed Palestinians in 1968
On the founding of the PLO 'the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, PLO, was not founded in 1964 to create a Palestinian state (Jordan was already a Palestinian state and occupied the Westback, while Egypt occupied Gaza). The PLO was created to eliminate Israel'.
Author Frederick Forsyth, in his Odessa File (on SS activity after WW2): 'Egypt's Abdul Nasser in 1963 sought to perfect a strike force of 400 rockets (with biological and radioactive payloads) to wipe Israel of the map. His key scientists were mostly from Hitler's former rocket programme'
on Egypt's missile and aircraft programme early 1960s at Helwan: 'Design of the missile tele-guidance system was done at Factory 333, Helwan (Cairo). Willy Messerschmidt designed jet planes for Egypt. The programme was scrapped around 1966 due to huge cost overruns, and after Operation Damocles discouraged the German scientists from participating'
In the 9 months since Oct 7, 2023, over 19,000 rockets, missiles, mortars and drones have been fired towards Israel from impoverished territories and failed states Gaza, WestBank, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, at a total cost of $593 Billion.
On spoils of war (Mosje Avital in 'Child of Buchenwald' and author of 'The Failure of Man, and the Enigma of God's Silence'):"Czechs gave 3.5 million Sudeten-Germans 4 hours to leave Sudetenland, a spoil of World War 2, a place where Germans had lived for 400 years"
On Arab violence and retaliation: 'No Jew ever took revenge on a single German after WW2'
On communist and Arab airplane hijacks: 'between 1968 and 1972, there were 326 airplane hijack attempts'
The UN's Sec-Gen Waldheim referring to 1976 Israel's remarkable Entebbe hostage rescue as 'a serious violation of sovereignty'

1982: UN Sec-Gen Waldheim's NAZI past exposed
Matan Peleg, CEO of IMTIRTZU in l'Chaim, on the sacredness of Jerusalem: 'Jews that were 3000 years outside of Jerusalem never forgot, they chose education and life.
Palestinian Arabs, 30 years after Israel's legitimate war of independence in 1948, chose terror.'
From 'Six Days of War' by Michael Oren, p54, CH.'the Catalysts' The trigger for the 1967 six-day war was the baseless and false information, knowingly spread by the USSR (the Soviet Union), that Israel had placed twelve brigades on the Syrian border. This caused Egypt to mobilize in the south, evict the UN Peacekeepers from and invade the Sinaď with a massive Egyptian troop buildup, while closing Israel's economic lifeline, the Straights of Tiran'
From 'Six Days of War' by Michael Oren, p162, CH.'the Countdown' 'The Syrians prepared (in May67) to implement Victory ('Nasr') an offensive operation. As designed by the Soviets, 'Victory' called for a forty-mile blitzkrieg by three expanded divisions, ... to take cities of Tiberias and Safad, .....and settlements of the Dan region, then regroup for the conquest of Afula, Haifa, and Nazareth'.
From 'Six Days of War' by Michael Oren, p161/2, CH.'the Countdown' 'Jordan revived Operation Tariq in May67. With the opening of battle, a four-pronged assault would be launched on Israeli positions north and south of Jerusalem (to hold Jerusalem's 200,000 Jews hostage as leverage to retain the so-called 'Westbank'). The Jordanian forces were to 'destroy all buildings and kill everyone inside' in the four areas, including civilians.'
From 'Six Days of War', p86 (CH. 'the Crisis'), quoting UN general Rikhye of UNEF Sinaď Peacekeepers (since 1956), expelled by Egypt, one week before the Six-Day war in 1967: "I think you're going to have a major Middle East war and I think we will still be sorting it out 50 years from now"

1967 Egyptian newspaper
Mosje Dayan, who instituted this swearing-in ceremony for the Armoured Corps soldiers atop Mt Massada: "Masada shall not fall again"
From 'Six Days of War', p176 (CH.'the Countdown'), after two weeks of intense offensive military buildup by Egypt in the Sinai, and closing the Straits of Tiran: 'The IAF carried out 164 sorties in just over 100 minutes ... and destroyed 286 out of 420 combat aircraft in Egypt's arsenal that morning - 30 Soviet Tupolev-16s, 27 Soviet Ilyushin-28 medium bombers (intended to bomb Israeli cities), 12 Soviet Sukhoi-7 fighter-bombers, 90 Soviet MIG interceptors, 20 Soviet MIG-19's, 75 Soviet MIG-17's, 32 transport planes and helicopters'.

the 1967 Air War on 05 June (Michael Oren, Six Days of War, p173)
From 'Six Days of War', p187(CH. 'Day 1') on Jordan's unprovoked air attack on Netanya (eventually losing them control of the Westbank and Jerusalem): 'After the Jordanian Hawker attack on Netanya, the IAF conducted a lightning strike of nine minutes on Jordanian airfields of Mafraq and Amman, which were rendered inoperable, while the Hawkers were refueling. The second Israeli wave completed the task by destroying all twenty Hawkers and eight other aircraft'
From 'Six Days of War', p195 (CH. 'Day 1') on Syria's promise to Jordan that they would attack Israeli forces at Jenin at first light the next morning: 'In fact, Syria had little Air Force left. Two thirds of it - 2 Soviet Ilyushins-28 bombers, 32 Soviet MIG-21s, 23 Soviet MIG-17s, and 3 helicopters had been eliminated in eighty-two midday IDF sorties'
On the Holocaust (The Auschwitz Album - Random House): "Not to forget, impossible to forgive"
Title of Ephraim Kishon's book 1967: "So sorry we won"

Book cover 'So sorry we won' by Kishon
In 1967, the Jewish flag was first raised over Jerusalem on the ancient threshing floor of Arauna, purchased by King David 3000 years ago, by a Jewish soldier named Arauna!
Zechariah 12:6 '6. On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.'
On US Democrat President Johnson's methods (From 'Six Days of War', by Michael Oren, p326, Ch. 'Aftershocks): 'Having resisted Eisenhower's pressure tactics during Suez, Johnson refused to arm-twist the Israelis. At most he was willing to delay arms shipments to Israel, while urging Israel to be "flexible, patient, discreet and generous"'
On Democrat president Johnson's legacy (From 'Six Days of War', by Michael Oren, p327, Ch. 'Aftershocks): 'The Johnson Administration would leave a mixed legacy of good intentions and tragically failed dreams, yet there would be no gainsaying its contribution in laying the corner-stone for future Arab-Israeli agreements'
Golda Meir: "We cannot lose because we have a secret weapon: we have no alternative"
Golda Meir: "If we in Israel have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we'd rather be alive and have a bad image"
Author Hans Habe, 'In King David's Footsteps', 1970s: "The Arabs never objected to 400 years of Ottoman occupation, the only ones to protest were the Jews of Palestine" (p134)
1500-1800 Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters
Hans Habe, p62 "The failed Kolchoz was a product of communist society, the successful Kibbutz created the Jewish state."
Prime Minister Eshkol, joking about socialism "If you want to make a small fortune in Israel, bring a large one"
Hans Habe, p63 "In 1967, after two decades of Jordanian occupation, only 10% of Arabs on the Westbank had access to running water but three years later, under the Israeli benefactors in 1970: 76 ltr/d (per person). At the same time (1967), Israel's water reserves efficiency usage was 90%, the highest in the world".
Hans Habe, p215 "Why don't the Arabs want our hospitals and street lights? Because it means we are here to stay."
Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, stood empty and unused during Jordan's rule (1948-1967) after 79 Jewish doctors, nurses and others were killed by Arabs during a resupply mission in 1948.
Golda Meir, 'My Life', 1970s: "We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate ours."
1973 Golda Meir, 50 years ago!
An Arab saying: "Vengeance is a joy divine"
On the Arab character (Gen16:12): "His hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him"
Historic Arab Colonialism
On Arab-Islamic Colonialism after 540AD: Why is nothing taught at universities about Arab colonialism from the sixth century, where women were raped, men killed, hostages taken as slaves, and Sharia law imposed on so-called 'non believers'?
Abba Eban, 16 Dec 1970: "If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a UN vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."
Golda Meir, 1971: "This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy"
Golda Meir, 1972: "Arab sovereignty in Jerusalem just cannot be. This city will not be divided — not half and half, not 60-40, not 75-25, nothing."
Dictator of Syria (only independent since 1946), Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yasser Arafat in 1976:
"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people. Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrians authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people"
PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in 1977:
'The Palestinian people do not exist. The Palestinian State is only a means of continuing the struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand, that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.'
Golda Meir, 1978: 30th anniversary of Israel's founding: "Above all, this country is our own. Nobody has to get up in the morning and worry what his neighbors think of him. Being a Jew is no problem here."
Author Efraim Kishon: "Israel is a country surrounded on all side by enemies, but the people's headaches are caused by their neighbors upstairs"
Cabinet Minister Naftali Bennett: "Never again will Jews NOT have a country to go to when persecuted"
Since 1922, a 2d Palestine state
Lance Lambert: Enscribed gilt-edged Arabic poster of Adolf Hitler in a UN relief organisation building in Beirut in 1982 (as seen and testified to by Lance Lambert) 'We will finish what Adolf Hitler started'
43 years later, 30jan25, UNRWA banned from Israel
on the Arab refusal to accept a Palestinian state (Bibi, p165): 'The inherent problem in our conflict with the Arabs wasn't the absense of a Palestinian state, but the presence of a Jewish one'
Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) (in 'My Life', p152), on the 1970's leftist intelligentsia's intelectual dishonesty: 'Leftist intellectual icons, like Frantz Fanon, gave intellectual legitimacy to the ridiculous philosophical arguments put forth by terrorists.'
on the civilizational battle against terrorists crossing the divide between combatants and noncombatants (Bibi, p151): 'By habituating people to the idea that their supposedly 'just causes' justified mass murder, the terrorists neutered man's sense of sin.'
Netanyahu, organizer of the 1978 'Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism', on the uneasy marriage of Soviet and Islamic ideologies (Bibi, p152):
'In hindsight, it is obvious that Arab states were sponsoring Arab terrorism, and the Soviet Bloc countries were sponsoring European terror groups. But is wasn't obvious then.'
on the Soviet Union's support of and practice of terrorism (Bibi, p153): 'Recently freed Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky exposed to the conference the Soviet Union's use of pshychatric wards against political dissidents. He would be a powerful voice in distinguishing genuine freedom fighters from bogus ones'
on the definition of terrorism (Bibi, p155): 'the deliberate assault on the innocent to inspire fear, in order to gain politicval ends. So not the wounding of civilians that accompanies every war, but a form of warfare that constitued a clear war crime'
on the success of the 1976 Entebbe rescue in Uganda, by the Israeli government ('Bibi', My Life, p147) :
'(Marxist) terrorists understood that governments could act decisively against the taking of hostages on hijacked planes, so they emulated other forms of Palestinian terrorism (such as the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre) and invented new types of attacks: bombing of nightclubs (Berlin), kidnap and murder of officials (Italy), releasing Sarin poison gas (Japan), setting off bombs (Paris), kidnapping and murdering innocents (Madrid, Basque country), bombing political oppoenents (the IRA in Britain).'
on the 1980's Reagan Plan, which Begin called the 'saddest day of his life, since becoming Prime Minister' (Bibi, p165): 'By putting the onus (blame) of the continuation of the conflict on Israel, it encouraged the Palestianians and other Arabs to continue to reject the very idea of a Jewish State'
on US Secr of State Kissinger's working the miracle of getting 'the lion (the Arab) to lie down with the lamb (the Jew)' (Bib, p179): When asked by a reported how he achieved such results, he remarked: "It's very simple, you take a cage, you take a lion, and you put in a new lamb every day"
White Slaves, African Masters' by Paul Baepler 'In Muslim Arab countries, Jews were the lowest caste: even when a white 'Ghimmy' (slave) came to fetch water at the well, the waiting Jew had to move to the back of the line'
President Carter, architect of the 1978 Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel, despite knowing how Jews had been cruelly shunned and systematically ostracized by slavetrading Arabs for well over a millennium, wrote a book with the title: 'Palestine Peace, not Apartheid'
Michael Oren in 'Six days of War' (2002, p337), writes: 'In the war of 1948, while a large Arab population remained within Israel, no Jews were allowed to stay in any area conquered by the Arabs'
Amir Tsarfati on Bethlehem ('Beth Lechem', House of Bread, Birthplace of Christ) 'In 1995, Bethlehem was 80% Christian under Israeli rule. In 1995, the Palestinian Authority took over control. Today, 25 years later, under 10% of Bethlehem's population is Christian'
Bethlehem, culturally and religiously appropriated by Muslims
Dr Sheila Nazarian: 'An Arab can live in Israel, A Jew cannot live in Gaza'. Where is the apartheid?
Record ethnic-cleansing Arab Muslim Colonialism
President Ronald Reagan, 1987: "For the people of Israel and America are historic partners in the global quest for human dignity and freedom. We will always remain at each other's side."
Wiesje de Lange, 'Relentless persecution of Jews explains the enormous difference in numbers between two 5000-year old cultures of the Chinese and the Hebrews'
on the strife between the sons of Abraham, Ismael (father of Arabs) and Isaac (father of Jews): 'There are 481 million Arabs today, but only 17 million Jews'
Arab League vs Israel's Jewish populations, 481M to 7M
Benjamin Netanyahu: "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
 the '23 State Solution': 22 to the Arabs, and 1 to the Jews
On Hebrew columns found by Ron Wyatt in Saudi Arabia: "These markers with Hebrew script were erected by king Solomon (1011-931BC) to mark both sides of the Israelite crossing from Egypt into Arabia" 
Solomon's Markers
Ariel Sharon's autobiography 'Warrior', p551, 1989: "The homeland mentioned in the British Balfour Treaty of 1917 was divided for the first time in 1922, with three quarters of (British) Palestine being taken to form (Trans)Jordan, on the East bank of the Jordan river (whose population is 80% 'Palestinian')".
Ariel Sharon, p552, 1989: "One hundred years of terror. And this has nothing to do with our presence in Samaria or Judea or Gaza. Terror was a fact of our lives in the 1960's, 50's, 40's, 30's and 20's. It was with us during the Turkish occupation, the British occupation, the Jordanian and Egyptian occupations."
Michael Barclay on the artificial creation of 'the Palestinian Underdog'in the early 1960s:
The Arab coalition was not only physically losing wars, but was considered bullies of Israel in worldwide media. They were the Goliath that kept losing to David. So they hired the public relations firm of Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy in New York (founded in 1909, no longer in business) to change their image in the world. George Anderson told them they needed a 'victim', a group that would be perceived as smaller and even more abused than the Israelis, and the 'Palestinian cause' was born.
Ariel Sharon, p551, 1989: "During the creation of the State of Israel (in 1947/48), the so-called West-Bank was occupied by Jordan, and Gaza by Egypt. Then in 1967, these areas were taken back by Israel."
Ariel Sharon, p550, 1989: "Gaza with its 550,000 inhabitants on 360 square kilometers does not have to be squalid. Greater Tel Aviv (founded in 1909 by Jews) has over a million inhabitants with a high standard of living, concentrated on 180 square kilometers."
Tel Aviv, mentioned 600BC in Ezechiel3:15: "14-So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the LORD upon me. 15-I came to the exiles at Tel-abib who dwelt by the River Kebar. And for seven days I sat where they sat and remained there among them, overwhelmed."
Ariel Sharon, p545, 1989: "The fact is, that a Palestinian state has existed since 1922, when Great Britain split off 75% of its Palestine Mandate to create TransJordan (the current Jordan)"
1922 Division of Palestine into Jewish and Palestinian states
Ariel Sharon, p553, 1989: "(After 1967) Arab inhabitants of Judea and Samaria are members of Jordan's parliament and ministers in Jordan's cabinet"
Ariel Sharon, p544, 1989: "Israeli Arabs pay disproportionately low taxes, Arab builders are allowed to ignore building codes, minor fees like TV and radio are not enforced, and they do not share the basic burden all others do: 3-year military service. Yet they have the vote to form the government of Israel. For equal privileges, there should be equal duties"
Hugh Fitzgerald on the position of Arabs in today's Israel
“In Israel, Arabs sit on the Supreme Court, serve in the Knesset, go abroad as ambassadors. The chairman of Israel’s largest bank, Bank Leumi, is an Arab. Jews and Arabs work in the same factories and offices, play on the same sports teams and in the same orchestras, act in the same films, are treated in the same hospitals by both Jewish and Arab medical personnel, attend the same classes in the same universities. Jews and Arabs own restaurants and start high-tech businesses together. The only difference in their treatment is that Jews must, while Arabs may serve in the military.”
1948-2024 Arab Population increase in Israel: 1300%, while 99% of Jews were removed from Arab states
Ariel Sharon, p551, 1989: "Whatever the political rhetoric, the reality is that a Palestinian state exists in Jordan, with its capital in Amman, and a Jewish state exists in Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem"
Ariel Sharon, p246, 1989: "In 1970, 70 to 80 percent of Jordan's population was Palestinian (non-Bedouin), most of its Parliament was Palestinian, its most prominent cabinet members were Palestinian, many of its prime ministers have been Palestinian."
Writer Yoram Ettinger on the enormous damage the Palestinians have wrought on the Middle East:
'In the early 1950s, the Palestinian leadership collaborated with the Muslim Brotherhood, terrorizing Egypt, their host country (result: the Muslim brotherhood was outlawed). In the mid-1960s, the Palestinian leadership bullied Syria, their host country (result: Palestinians are kept stateless in Syrian 'refugee' camps to this day). In 1968-70, the Palestinian leadership triggered a civil war of 10 months in Jordan (aka 'Black September', when they were ruthlessly exterminated), attempting to topple their host Hashemite regime (result: they were expelled). In 1970-82, the Palestinian leadership instigated a series of civil wars in (very prosperous, Christian-run) Lebanon, aiming to take over their host country (result: the PLO was driven out of Lebanon by Israel in 1982. First Syria, then Iran's Hezbollah took over, culminating in today's failed-state). In 1990, the Palestinian leadership collaborated with dictator Saddam Hussein’s invasion and plunder of Kuwait, which was for decades the most generous Arab host to 400,000 Palestinians' (result: they were all expelled). After 1990, the Palestinians self-destructed in the so-called 'intifada's' on the so-called Westbank of the river as seen from Jordan, which is ancient Judea and Samaria (result: despair, agony, and rampant corruption of the 'governing' Palestinian Authority)In 2005, Israel granted Gaza complete self-rule (at great economic loss to itself and its people, with 9000 Jews removed, and their homes and businesses forfeited), the Gazans elected the terrorist organization Hamas in 2006, which proceeded to implode Gaza in a number of wars, culminating in a stupifyingly mindless act of self-destruction on 07oct23 (result: the annihilation of Gaza).
Under Jerusalem, Under Gaza
Ariel Sharon, p358, 1989: "Jerusalem has had a continuous Jewish community from Biblical time right to the present"
Ariel Sharon, p358, 1989: "In 1840, year of the first modern census, Jews were the single largest ethnic group in the city (of Jerusalem). In 1860, the Jewish community had grown larger than the Moslem and Christian communities together, and by 1890 Jews constituted 60 percent of the population (of Jerusalem)"
On Rabin's peace efforts, elected as Prime Minister in 1992 (Six Days of War, Michael Oren, 2002, p313) 'Rabin sought a historic reconciliation with the Palestinian people under leadership of Yasser Arafat - the same Arafat whose guerrilla attacks helped precipitate the (6-day) war. Palestinian terrorists killed dozens of Israeli civilians and Israeli extremists branded Rabin a traitor. One of them killed Rabin at a peace ralley on Nov 04, 1995.
on separate formal peace accords with Arab nations (and informal ties with others), Egypt 1979, and Jordan 1994 ('Bibi', My Life, p259): 'Despite Palestinian attempts to galvanize the Arab world to destroy the nation of Israel... Israel defeated one Arab state after another, some of whom began to make separate peace with Israel. The road to Middle Eastern Peace between Israel and the Arab world did not go through the Palestinian seat of government in Ramallah. It went around it.
on the rejection of Syria's despot, Hafez Assad in 1998 to split half the Golan Heights with Israel [from where Syria had terrorized Israel's Galilee population for decades] ('Bibi', My Life, p300): "Syria has a decrepid Army while Israel is a superpower. What do you have to worry about? [by giving up the Golan Heights]."
on the aim of Palestinian statehood ('Bibi', My Life, p258): 'The Palestinians were not interested in having a state next to Israel. They were interested in having a state of their own instaed of Israel.'
on the real problem in the Middle East ('Bibi', My Life, p258): 'The American negotiators most fundamental misperception of the region was that Israel was the problem in the Middle East. It was the solution. Its advanced technological society could help modernize the entire Arab world [if only the Arab leaders chose to recognize its existence].'
on the failed Oslo agreements, as arranged by Democrat President Clinton, and the subsequent violent Palestinian 'intifada's' (in 1995/96 and 1999/2002, which killed over 1000 Israelis') ('Bibi', My Life, p240/245): 'To give a terrorist organization, committed to Israel's destruction, control of areas enveloping Israel's cities could produce no other result.'
on partitioning Israel in two states by Democrat president Clinton (in support of the 'Palestinian Centrality Theory' by the left, which sought to address Palestinian self-inflicted grievances as 'the heart of Middle Eastern conflict'): In 2000, the Clinton Administration again proposed to partition the land: the creation of a Palestinian state in virtually all of the Westbank and the entire Gaza strip with its capital in East Jerusalem. The Israelis accepted (under PM Ehud Barak), the Palestinians refused (under PA's Arafat), who resorted to years of counter-productive [since self-destructive] Palestinian violence (intifada's).
on the outrageous and systematic election interference by the Democrat Party Clinton Administration in Israel in the 1990's (between Perez and Netanyahu in 1996) ('Bibi', My Life, p247/8, 309): 'Normally such interference in another country's elections would elicit cries of protest from the press in America and Israel alike. No such protests were heard. Totally supportive of [progressive] Peres [and against conservative Netanyahu], the press in both Israel and United States were silent'. Special Clinton envoy Dennis Ross would later say: "We did everything we could to help Peres" (who still lost!)
on Democrat Clinton's interference on the election in 1999 (between Barak and Netanyahu) ('Bibi', My Life, p309): 'Once again the US president [Clinton] was putting his thumb on the scale of an Israeli election'.
on Oslo's roadmap, at Wye Plantation in Maryland in 1998, to redesignate territories into A, B or C ('Bibi', My Life, p304): 'Before this redesignation could take place, the Palestinian Authority had to first renounce the 'Palestinian Covenant' calling for Israel's destruction. 13% of Judea and Samaria were redesignated B (partly controlled by PA) and 3% to A (fully controlled by PA). Democrat president Clinton then reneged on freeing Israeli Jonathan Pollard, held ina US jail, as a prior condition of the deal'.
on Democrat Party support for questionable NGO's in Israel ('Bibi', My Life, p309): 'Barak set up a string of questionable NGO's that added tens of millions of dollars to [Ehud Barak's left wing-party] One Israel. They were only nominally investigated.'
on Clinton's Camp David in June, 2000 ('Bibi', My Life, p309): 'Barak offered sweeping consessions including 92 percent of Judea and Samaria and a Palestinian state with part of Jerusalem as its capital. Arafat turned him down'
on Clinton's Hail Mary in December, 2000, already in the presidential transition period! ('Bibi', My Life, p312): 'In a meeting on 19th of December, Barak offered 96 percent of Judea and Samaria, a Palestinian state with part of Jerusalem as its capital, and in addition a foothold on the Temple Mount. Arafat still refused'
on the aims of Democrat president Clinton in the 1990's ('Bibi', My Life, p311): 'Blinded by the search for political glory, and perhaps a Nobel Peace Prize, Clinton (and Israel's PM Ehud Barak) dove deep into the rabbit hole of Palestinian peace narrative and discovered there was nothing there.'
on the Palestinian murder-rate-per-prime-minister in the 1990's since Oslo in 1993 till 2001 ('Bibi', My Life, p292): 'Rabin: 4.5 Israelis per month, Peres 9, Ehud Barak 3, Netanyahu 1.'
on the Palestinian murder-rate-per-prime-minister under (mostly) PM Sharon since Oslo in 1993, ('Bibi', My Life, p412): 'These terrorists claimed the lives of over one thousand Israeli civilians during the Second Intifada between 2000 and 2005.'
on the Palestinian punishment for selling to Jews ('Bibi', My Life, p413): 'Scandalously, the Palestinian Authority makes it a crime punishable by death to sell propertyto Jews and had carried out scores of extrajudicial executions of Palestinians accused of doing so.'
on the Palestinian murder-rate-per-prime-minister in 2002 ('Bibi', My Life, p329): 'PM Sharon finally acted in 2002, after a particularly vicious terror attack on Passover night in Netanya hotel which murdered thirty Israelis and injured 140. The attack capped off the bloody month of March of that year, in which 135 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists'
on the Palestinian reaction to 9/11 in 2001 ('Bibi', My Life, p335): 'When the news broke [of the 9/11 tragedy], videos showed Palestinians dancing with joy on rooftops in Gaza an Ramallah, while Israel grieved.'
on the road to peace ('Bibi', My Life, p333): 'The people of Britain knew that the road to peace with Germany did not go through Hitler, nor around Hitler, it went OVER Hitler.'
on partitioning Israel in two states by Republican Presidents Bush Jr, and later, Donald Trump: 'The Bush Jr. Administration, after the one-sided Oslo Agreements of 1993, again proposed to partition the land by 2005: the creation of a Palestinian state, while leaving Jerusalem's status vague if the Palestinian Arabs foreswore violence, and if the surrounding Arabs made peace with Israel. Three aspects that president Trump achieved without partitioning the Holy Land.'
Spanish Journalist Sebastian Villar Rodriguez,'Europe died in Auschwitz', 2008: "We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world (189 Nobel Prize winners). We replaced science, art, international trade, and above all, the conscience of the world, with stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty (only 7 Nobel Prize winners among whom, tellingly, Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat).”
Jewish Nobel Prizes
on partitioning Israel in two states by PM Ehud Olmert in 2006 ('Bibi', My Life, p405): 'Olmert offered Mahmoud Abbas the wildest concessions yet, including control of the Temple Mount. Abbas was immovable'
on partitioning Israel in two states by Democrat President Obama: 'In 2009, according to the NYT, in 'opening a bold overture' to the Islamic world, Obama [predictably] reserved some of his bluntest words for Israel [not the violent Palestinians], to attempt to further his aim for a two-state solution (by first insisting on a settlement freeze, then backing away from it.'
on Democrat president Obama's Israel strategy ('Bibi, 'My Life', p422): 'I was later told that Obama had given Mahmoud Abbas a secret commitment to establish a full-fledged Palestinian state before he left office. His chief of staff, the intense [and former Clinton advisor] Rahm Emanuel [whose father was a member of Irgun, P412] may have hinted at that possibility when he said in 2009 that "in four years there will be a Palestinian state".'
on Democrat president Obama's Iran strategy ('Bibi, 'My Life', p430): 'The Islamic Republic was the rising power in the Middle East, as Obama saw it. True to his experience a community organizer in Chicago's neighborhoods, Obama would seek out the bully, cut a deal with him, and thereby pacify the beighborhood'
on the differences between Israel's PM Netanyahu and Democrat president Obama ('Bibi, 'My Life', p579): "We clearly differed on the Palestinian issue, which [Hussein] Obama viewed through the distorted prism of the Palestinian narrative. He truly believed the Jews of Israel were the neocolonials usurping the land from native Arab inhabitants when the facts not only of ancient history but of modern times showed things were the other way around"
on Democrat president Obama's reluctance in 2012 to check Iran [its nuclear weapons aspirations to destroy Israel] or to support Israel doing so ('Bibi, 'My Life', p485): "Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place red lights before Israel"
on Democrat Kerry's duplicity in 2014 in siding with Qatar and Turkey ('Bibi, 'My Life', p518): "On one side Egypt [El-Sisi, who had repaced Islamist Morsi] and Israel, on the other: Turkey and Qatar, which fully supported Hamas... To my ashtonishment, Kerry urged me to accept Qatar and Turkey as mediators instead of Egypt, who were negotiating with Hamas representatives for a possible cease fire"
on the 'tunnel war' against Hamas in Gaza and 2014 'Protective Edge'('Bibi, 'My Life', p515/7) 'Shortly after the abduction of three Israeli teenagers in 2014 [who were brutally murdered by Hamas] and massive rocket fire by Hamas on Israeli civilians... ground forces entered Gaza, with tanks and armored personnel carriers. There were more tunnels than expected and neutralizing them with explosives, water, and cement took three weeks instead of three days. Unlike 2012, the Iron Dome supply did not run out in 2014.'
on changing Arab attitudes to Iran during Democrat president Obama's admin ('Bibi, 'My Life', p420): 'During WW2, many Arab leaders supported Hitler, who, had he won the war, would have enslaved the Arabs, or worse. After the war, most lined up with the Soviets who had equal disregard and contempt for them. But now Arab leaders increasingly understood that they faced an all-encompassing Iranian threat and this had led them to reconsider their relations with Israel.'
on PM Netanyahu addressing AIPAC in 2010, in reference to how the Arab world could benefit from Israel's technologically advanced economy ('Bibi', My Life, p464):
"Israel is not what is wrong in the Middle East. Israel is what is right in the Middle East."
on PM Netanyahu setting up Israel's newly discovered natural gas market ('Bibi', My Life, p557:
"Now came the second battle, truly incredible even in the twisted world of the Israeli left. A vast campaign was launched to keep the gas in the ground."
on PM Netanyahu addressing Democrat Party VP Biden in the US Congress in 2010 ('Bibi', My Life, p464):
"Mr Vice President, in Judea and Samaria, the Jewish people are not foreign occupiers. We are not the British in India. We are not the Belgians in Congo. This is the land of our forefathers."
on colonial powers eventially leaving their colonies and granting independence (Dr Maalouf on X):
'The French left Africa. The British left india. The Spaniards left South America. The Dutch left Indonesia. It is time for the Arab Muslims to leave the land they colonized!'
on the duping by the longest standing [leftist] ideological subversion campaign of all time (Elica Le Bon on X):
'If Israel is a 'colonial project' to be resisted, is not Jordan a colonial project, Syria a colonial project, Lebanon a colonial project, created by the same colonial powers at the same time, for the same reasons?'
on peace in the Middle East (Elica Le Bon on X):
'The root cause of all suffering is Jihadism. It is not the end of Israel that will bring peace (anti-Zionism is in fact Soviet propaganda), it is the end of Jihadism that will stop the conflict and will allow every and all sides to finally put down their arms.'
On the growing stream of massive illegal economic migration from Africa in 2013 into tiny Israel ('Bibi', My Life, p512):
"20,000 illegal job migrants had come from Eastern Europe. Within a decade Israel could be ovewhelmed with well over a million migrants from Africa... Less than 2 years after the construction, the [Sinai} fence was complete. The rate of illegal immigration into Israel went to zero."
2015 Democrat Obama Administration State Dep't study: 'During a recent study in 2015, it found that only 20,000 Palestinian refugees remained alive of the claimed 700,000 who fled in 1948 (note that the UN claims there are 5.1 million, while virtually none are left now)'
On the uneasy marriage of progressivism with radical Islam:
The Guardian, 2017 'Incarceration of a Palestinian terrorist for 3 years fetches him $400 per month salary, three to five years: $560/month. Sentences up to 15 years: $1690/month, and up to 20years: $2000/month, all funded by the European Union.'
Hitmen for hire, paid for by the EU
The PA, 2018 'The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million last year, according to its own records'
2018, Pay for Slay, paid for by the EU
On the UNWRA in Gaza:
'For 73 years, UNRWA has perpetuated the misery of Palestinians by teaching hatred, engaging in corruption, cooperating with terrorists, stealing food from and refusing to resettle refugees. The UNRWA has made its mission to expand the number of so called refugees, to bloat its budget and expand its power.'
The Isaiah 2 text on the UN building in NYC UNRWA perversely 'teaching war', until 'war will be learned no more'
David Bernstein on the marriage of the radical left and American Jewry:
'Forget classical anti-semitism. The West is being taken over by Red-Green alliances based on the Woke ideology and many American Jews are attracted to this 'Trojan Horse''.

Europe's immigration vs robbery now (2024)

Europe in 2050
On Arab-Islamic Colonialism after 540AD: 'Why is nothing taught at universities about Arab colonialism from the sixth century, where land was taken, women were raped, men killed, hostages taken as slaves, and Sharia law imposed on so-called 'non believers'?'
Brianna Wu on X ('RIP Progressivism 2015-2024'), on the uneasy marriage of the radical left and radical Islam
'Radical Islam and radical Totalitarian Socialism have combined to take advantage of the Western leaders 'drugging' of their populations, meant to simulate 'peace and quiet', but leading to a horrible deterioration'
on Democrat president Obama's famous Red Line against the use of chemical weapons (Bibi, 'My Life', p499) (
'Five months after [Obama's Red Line], Syria's Assad carried out a horrific chemical attack that killed 1500 Syrian civilians'
on Democrat president Obama 'leading from behind' while Iran races to acquire nuclear weapons (Bibi, 'My Life', p500) (
"Nobody likes Goliath [the US as Superpower], I don't want to be an 800-pound gorilla strutting the world stage. For too long, we have acted that way. We need to lead a diferent way"

2024 American basis only in Arab nations of the Middle East, not Israel
Commentary in May'21 by a female Jewish reporter of 'The Times', on how the Judeo-Christian achievements of the Gospel in Western society (healthcare, hospitals, education, prosperity and freedom) have been replaced by the sewer of 'Social Justice', leading to depravity and lawlessness:
'Religion, the restraint on behaviour, has been substantially replaced by therapy, which diagnoses such restraint as unhealthy repression; the slow death of Christianity in Britain [=the West] meant the transfer of beliefs from messianic redemption to a secular utopia; St Paul yielded to Jean-Jacques Rousseau; and the death of original sin was replaced by the doctrine of original innocence; instead of fallen mankind, redeemed by a Savior on the cross, the goodness of mankind had to be redeemed from the corrupting effects of authority of any kind; Instead of salvation by faith, the association of free and unfettered spirits would now be left to create heaven on the earth'

GK Chesterton (1874-1936) on the loss of Original Sin
Cheryl on X, on the loss of Western values:
'Somehow the West has willingly allowed all of its values that millions of soldiers died for in Wrld War One, Two, and other conflicts, to be eroded, exploited, abused, and slaughtered. There are no longer many Western values worth even defending anymore. When the senseless murders of innocent people can be celebrated and revered, while those fighting the perpetators to prevent more of these senseless atricities are vilified, as a whole we have lost all our morality and grasp of reality'
Hannah Arendt 1906-1975, on truth and lies, right and wrong
from 'Life at the Bottom', by Jewish author Theodore Dalrymple, 2001, on the modern (UK) Welfare State, p124/148/155/200/204
'Tolerance acts as a solvent on remaining restraint'. 'Anti-social behavior increases proportionally to the excuses intellectuals make for it'. 'Misery rises to meet the means available for its alleviation'. 'The absense of standards is the beginning of barbarism'. 'Do sties make pigs, or do pigs make sties?' 'An assidiously cultivated decline (by the secular left) in the public's confidence in the justice system's ability to distinguish guilt from innocence'
2024 Marriage of convenience between the Left and Islam
Only devout faith in the God of the Bible has produced true science
Martin Niemoller on totalitarian government rounding up opponents, then and now: 'Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.'
Synagogues attacked since the slaughter by demonic Hamas of 07oct23
on Hamas practice of hiding behind women and children (Bib, 'My Life', p494): 'The Palestinians lost 233 lives, of which 153 were identified as terrorists. Most of the Civilian deaths in Gaza in the 2012 campaign were brought about because Hamas used them as human shields, thus committing a double war crime of indiscriminatley firing at Israeli civilians while hiding behind Palestinian ones'
Gaza with the largest Middle East transgender population
on massive American progressive criticism of Israel's response to cross-border terrorism ('Bibi', My Life, p163): 'The terrorist attacks that prompted the invasion in the first place were ignored by the international media in favor of the damage caused by the IDF. Civilian casualties were dramatized nightly on television'. This deja vu recollection is not written about the 2023 Hamas debauchery, but the Lebanon war of 1982!
on John Kerry's 2013 appointment to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state ('Bibi', My Life, p496): 'He was intensely interested in international affairs, believing after repeated visits to Damascus that he could sway the likes of Bashar Assad toward peace. His confidence was not borne out by realities on the ground'
John Donne, on humanity's demise: 'Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee'
Nov22, 1944 (!): the official Red Cross Auschwitz Holocaust Denial
Middle Eastern states, where Qatar's Al Jazeera has been banned (for inciting violence, promoting terrorist groups, sectarian bias, disputed maps etc): 'Bahrain (2000), Kuwait (2002), Algeria (2004), Egypt (2013), Iraq (2013), India (2015), Jordan (2017), UAE (2017), Saudi Arabia (2017), Sudan (2019), Israel (2024)'
21st Century: Where were the Red Cross and the Red Crescent?
Palestinian Arab saying: 'Do you want the truth, or do you want his brother?'
Danny Ayalon in L'Chaim on Jerusalem, at the 50th celebration of the Six Day War, 2017: 'Jerusalem kept the Jews for 2000 years, now we, the Jews, keep Jerusalem'
'Offers of a 3d Palestinian State' (after Jordan and Gaza): all rejected
Joe Biden was a Democrat Party senator on June 22, 1982, and during his Senate Foreign Relations committee testimony, he threatened to cut off aid to Israel. Prime Minister Menachim Begin forcefully responded: "Don't threaten us with cutting off your aid. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”
1937 Nazi BDS, with Jews as original Palestinians, Arabs as fascist allies. What has changed?
1945 Arabs boycott Palestinian (=Jewish) goods. What has changed?
Republican President Donald Trump, 2017: "Today we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.”
Geert Wilders, newly elected to the gov't of Holland, 2023: "Jordan is Palestine". When 80% of your population is Palestinian, and your land is part of what was called Palestine until 1922, then you are a Palestinian state!
from 'The Forgotten Terrorist' by Mel Ayton, p34, quoting Alan Dershowitz: 'The Jews got the Balfour Declaration for supporting the right side in WW1. The Arabs in Palestine got the generous offer of partition after siding with Hitler in WW2'
on offering to partition Israel in two states by Democrat Biden in 2024: 'The Biden Administration rewards the Hamas barbaric violence of 07oct23 with an offer of a two state solution, one which the so-called Palestians have rejected consistently in thought, word and deed.'
In the 9 months since Oct 7, 2023, over 19,000 rockets, missiles, mortars and drones have been fired towards Israel from impoverished territories and failed states Gaza, WestBank, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, at a total cost of $593 Billion.
If Gaza so chose, it could easily have been the Dubai of the Mediterranean
On Arab Oil wealth (with by far the largest deposits in the world): 'Saudi Arabia has earned over $1 Billion USD per day for decades'

2024 Oil Reserves
On Iran's Oil windfall, when it was broke: 'Failed-state Iran has earned over $90 Billion from Biden's sanctions relief in 2021'

2024: Hypocrisy 101, that 'unloving feeling'
on partitioning by the progressive left under the Biden admin: 'The gaslighting and the lies connected to 'progressive' agendas, the violent radical Islamists became the 'oppressed' in the eyes of the privileged, terrifyingly ignorant, stupid young people. It has all come to an end.'
on political disconnect of the planners of the massacre by Hamas on 07 October, 2023, during the extraordinarily weak Biden admin: 'They may have dreamed of unprecedented victories that would make them the masters of the region, but they became fugitives between the tunnels of Gaza and other capitals in the region beyond, looking for a lifeline from a pre-ordained fate.'
'Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee' (Ezechiel38: Elam = Persia)
Stephen Kruiser (16oct23) on leftwing protester's gullibility:
'The rich 'Palestinian' history that the perpetually aggrieved American protester class thinks is being fought for is a work of creative fiction. It’s an even easier sell to the American Left today, given that they spent all of 2020 convincing themselves that Joe Biden was a thoughtful centrist who would bring some class to the White House. They’ve made their gullibility a cornerstone of their politics.'
2023 Why Arabs prefer Israel
2024: On Biden's duplicitous 'support' for Israel, 'The day before Biden announced a freeze on arms sales to Israel, the administration issued executive orders bypassing sanctions, allowing the sale of arms to Qatar, Lebanon, and Iraq. The Biden orders bypass the sanctions that prohibit sale of arms to countries that embargo Israel'
Pres candidate John F Kennedy, 1960: "Friendship with Israel is not a partisan matter, it is a national commitment”
on JFK's unwavering American Presidential support, for Israel, Inaugural address 20jan61: "Let any nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to ensure the survival and the success of liberty"
After 75 years of unwavering American Presidential support for Israel, 'witness here the absolute duplicity of the recent Biden Administration'
Who impresses more, 5X draft-dodger Biden or Bibi?
on the Fatwa against Hamas by the FatwaCouncil, a major Islamic judicial organization
The Muslim Fatwa Institute published a 'fatwa' ('religious ruling' nr F02301) on matters of Islam in March 2023 against Hamas, stating that 'at the request of many believers' the findings of the council, as displayed in its jurisprudence, regarding the behavior of Hamas against the Palestinians, that "Hamas bears responsibility for its own reign of corruption and terrorism in Gaza".
Oct 2023: Hamas spent billions of foreign taxpayers aid on war tunnels, which exceed total length of the London Tube
an apt sign in a demonstration: 'Israel uses weapons to protect civilians, Hamas uses civilians to protect weapons'
on the 12 May, 2024 Remembrance Day in Israel: 'Israel mourns the loss of 25,040 fallen soldiers and victims of terror since 1948.'
on the 19 year so-called Westbank experiment under Jordanian rule (1948-1967): 'there was no improvement in the plight of those living under Jordanian rule: it was a source of woeful corruption, of terrorist attacks on Israel, where the terror organisation PLO seeking to destory Israel was formed in 1964, there were no hospitals, at the end of 19 years only 10% of the so-called Westbank population had access to running water (while bordering a river!), there was no religious freedom, there were no free elections, Jews were barred from Arab territories and from their own sacred Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where in 1967 all synagogues were destroyed by Jordan, out of spite'
Barry Tigay, on the 19 year Gaza experiment (2005-2024): 'the experiment, known as Israel's disengagement from Gaza, has failed: Palestinians, even with massive foreign aid, have not been able to build civic institutions, form a unified government, persue peace, tame corruption, or establish a self-sustaining economy. They have become a threat to neighbors and themselves. It is recommended that statehood or full autonomy for Palestinians be rejected'
Post-07 Oct 2023: Gaza, with 40km of prime Mediterranean beach front, could have looked like Dubai.
Instead, $600 Billion was spent on weapons to attack Israel.
Douglas Murray on the shifting winds of anti-semitism: "Everyone knows that anti-semitism is a shifting virus:
First the Jews were hated because they were poor, then they were hated because they were rich. Then they were hated for not integrating, and then they were hated for integrating. In the era where you could hate for religion, they were hated for their religion, then when that became impossible in Europe, they were hated for their race. Then at a particular point, Europe discovered they could not hate for race anymore, so what we did was we hated Jews for being stateless, and then we hated them for having a state".
from Numbers 23:9 '8. How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced? 9. From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations.'
A very interesting view from Gaza about Gaza
A very interesting view about Israel's prosperity: 'The Israel Aerospace Industry IAI published its quarterly report for 2024 with the highest figure in its history. The company net profits jumped by 48% and Israel continues to get richer.'
Israel's GDP (without natural resources) the highest among nations
on Islam and the Holy Land:
On Jerusalem, in Isaiah 62:6: "I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest"
On Jerusalem, in Zechariah 12:2,3 "2. I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."
Just look at them now
A reporter: 'What might be the anatomical significance of thousands of praying muslims turning their rear ends to the location of God's Holy Temple?'
in Matthew 5:38 "Jerusalem is the city of the Great King"
in the Bible, there are over 150 Biblical references to 'Zion', 'city of David, city of the Lord, city of the living God, [Zion] the Heavenly Jerusalem'
Psalm 78:68 "But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved."
on the origin of Zionism (many refs here):
God is the real Zionist Entity
the Bible on Jerusalem: 'There are over 800 references to the city of Jerusalem in the Bible, not one in the Qur'an'
on the name 'Al Quds': on the name Al Quds (Arabic vernacular for Jerusalem): it comes from the Hebrew word Beit Hamikdash, which is the Jewish Temple!
in the Qur'an "There is only one reference to the city of Mecca in the Qu'ran, a dry and waterless place in the middle of nowhere"
2024 'Social media influencer' Loay Al-Shareef on the status of Jerusalem in Islam: "I would like to remind my fellow Muslims that neither the prophet Mohammed nor his companions regarded Jerusalem as Holy (or Haram), reserving this reverence only for Mecca and Medina. They did not refer to it as Jerusalem or Al Quds, instead calling it by the name chosen by the Europeans (the Romans in 135AD), Aelia Capitolina, when they expelled the Jews"
Israel is much older than Islam
On languages and Jerusalem, Chuck Missler, 'Genesis' "All languages point to Jerusalem: to the West of Jerusalem they are written from left to right, and to the east they are written from right to left"
On our Alphabet: "The name of our 'alphabet' comes from the Greek letters Alpha and Beta which in turn comes from the first two Hebrew letters Alef and Bet (Hebrew letters as used in Psalm 119)"
Taken from 'Jesus and the Jihadis', by Evans and Johnston: "The Center for the Studies of Political Islam has quantatively noted that 132,315 words are devoted to jihad in the Islamic trilogy of the Hadith, Sira and Qur'an, nearly as many words as in the whole New Testament"
2023, 07 Oct, Pay for Slay, paid for by the US
On the link between Freemasonry and religion:
According to 'ancient' freemasonry (invented in the 17th century), all religions are equal, including Islam and Satanism. The Bible confirms this: no religion has an objective plan of salvation except our own subjective works, there is only one objective way to be saved from our subjective selves.
Nothing was known about Mohammed until the 19th century, except some German manuscripts which formed the Sira
On the founding of Islam:
'Islam gives its greatest regard to a man 1) who did no miracles to prove divinity and 2) in no way measured up to the sinless and loving Jesus, 3) made no real prophecies, 4) had everyone killed who disagreed with him, and 5) was fond of splitting up booty from military raids against innocent people'.
Mohammed and Jesus
On the practice of subjugating ('Islam') by Muslims:
'There are over 400 references to subjugating kafirs (infidels) in the Koran'
On Israel in the Quran:
'There are over 43 references to Israel in the Koran: Israel is much older than the Quran'
Gad Saad on X, on Israel in the Quran:
'There are 43 references to Israel in the Quran, none for Palestine, which was so named by the Romans in 135AD, 'that the name of Israel is remembered no more' (Ps83:4)
90% of the victims of Muslim violence are Muslims
Even the Qur'an recognizes Israel as for the Jews ('Night Journey', Ch17:100-104):
'And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: "Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd." [Qur'an 17:104]'
Even the Koran acknowlegdes Israel's right to the land
on the Bible, Zion, and the Jews:
the Apostle Paul, in Romans 11:26-27: “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins”