Related Angola settler picture sites
Down memory lane
Nhamalanda - Our Story site (from Madeira to Angola)
Lubango / Sa da Bandeira page (Port.)
Tropicalia blogspot: Benguela picture page (Port.)
Tropicalia blogspot: Lobito picture page (Port.)
Casacomum: Archivos Angola picture page (Port.)
FotosNamibe.Blogspot: many old Mossamedes pictures
Tudosobreangola - Arrival of the Madeirans 1884 to counter the Boers presence (1881), in Port.
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Some Angola Ecology
the once-thought-extinct Swierstra’s Francolin in Angola
on the need to conserve threatened highland habitat of Angola's Mount Moco
the Giant Sable Antilope - Palanca Negra Gigante, ref. 'A certain curve of Horn' by Walker
List of Birds of Angola
site with bird calls, pictures and videos
a 1915 write-up of South West Africa, by William Eveleigh, on Climate, Flora, Fauna, People
site with a view of Central African Fires
1920 Big Plans by South Africa to irrigate southern Angola and the Kalahari
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Some Angola History
Southern Angola Blog (in Portuguese)- Arrival of the Madeirans in 1884 to counter the Boers presence (since 1881) - Use Google translator
Origins of the peoples of Africa (1927, Tucker, Drums of Darkness, p18-22)
1938 Map showing Angola mission stations (Tucker, Land Of the Blacksmith Prince)
Good Read Online Book: 1927 John T. Tucker 'Drums of Darkness' (Angola United Church Mission)
Benguela Railway 1935
Benguela Railway History (BBC)
Many Angola pre-1975 pictures - skyscrapercity blog
Large Collection of Angola pre-1975 pictures (many of Luanda)
Car Races in Mossamedes 1973 - memoriasdesportivas.blogspot
Angola Mossamedes Football - Soccer Pictures - memoriasdesportivas.blogspot
Large pre-1975 Google search Selection of Mossamedes
Sa da Bandeira before 1975 - coisasdeantigamente-marr.blogspot
Some Angola post-1975 pictures, by C. Pires
Angola - Banco National history in Angola, buildings and money

Angola map with settlers pre-1975 placenames (see Angola maps further down)
New Angolan place names

Angola Stamps
pre-1975 Angolan Stamps
Portuguese Empire stamps
Southern Angola - Old Huila postage (stamps)

pre-1975 Angolan Postcards
some Angolan tunes
Angolan Merengues on Orlando's accordeon
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Earliest Boer History
painting of the Great Trek by Gwen Bistro 'met die kreun van ossewa'
Comprehensive History of South Africa by McCall Theal
A brief chronology of the History of South Africa 1486-1826, Theal, Vol1, p260, 1890
A Short History of South Africa 1486-1826, Theal, Vol1, Ch1-22, 1890
History of South Africa 1652-1795, Theal, Vol2, CH14-27, 1897
History of South Africa 1691-1795, Theal, Vol2, CH16-27, 1888
History of South Africa since Sept. 1795, Vol1, Theal 1908
History of South Africa since Sept. 1795, Vol2, Theal 1908
History of South Africa since Sept. 1795, Vol3, Theal 1908
History of South Africa since Sept. 1795, Vol4, Theal 1908
Not found: History of South Africa since Sept. 1795, Vol5, Theal 1908
History and Ethnography of Africa South of the Zambesi, Theal, Vol1, 1909
History and Ethnography of Africa South of the Zambesi, Theal, Vol2, 1909
History and Ethnography of Africa South of the Zambesi, Theal, Vol3, 1909
'The Story of South Africa' by Ridpath, Ellis 1899
1941 Brief history of the Dutch origins of South Afica, by Josef Marais, Intro to 'Songs from South Africa'

South African sheetmusic page
*** Download Zipfile sheetmusic 'Songs from South Africa'***

1800s - earliest European encounters in Transvaal with tribes descending from the North

Some Angola Boer History
Pictures of Afrikaner Boers in Angola 1881 -1975
a 1-page history of Boer settlement in Angola (.doc)
Map of the 3 year Dorsland Trek
Story of the 3 year Trek of the Dorsland Trekkers
a 1915 write-up of South West Africa, by William Eveleigh, on Climate, Flora, Fauna, People
site with some interesting Afrikaner Boers oxen transports in Angola from 100 years ago
site with pictures of where Afrikaner Boers used to live in Humpata, Angola

the Dorsland Trek shown on a SWA stamp
Southern Angola Blog (in Portuguese)- Arrival of the Madeirans in 1884 to counter the Boers presence (since 1881) - Use Google translator
another site with pictures of Lubango where Afrikaner Boers used to live in Angola
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Boer War History
The first Anglo-Boer war was fought and won in 1881 by the Boers of the independent South African Boer Republic (SAR) in the Transvaal, against the British, whose vision under prime minister Disraeli was to annex all independent republics of South Africa under British rule and impose a confederation. This war came one year after the war of the British against the Zulus in 1879, thought to appease the Afrikaners, but having the opposite effect against the non-violent Boers. The final peace settlement in 1884 left certain things in the open, with defeated Britain attempting to control SAR's foreign policy, which led to the second Anglo-Boer war of 1899.
The second Anglo-Boer war, lasting from 1899-1902, started when the South African Republic in the Transvaal (SAR) became the largest gold producer in the world in 1890, after gold was discovered in Witwatersrand in 1886. Britain was the leading industrial nation needing resources, and coveting South Africa's new riches. When SAR restricted foreign mine workers' right to vote in its internal affairs (to a minimum Transvaal residence of 14 years), the British used this as the desired pretext first to control foreign trade by building an exclusive railway from the Cape province to the Transvaal, which SAR circumvented by building their own to nearby Delagoa Bay in Portuguese East Africa. Then Britain invaded the Transvaal, first by the failed Jameson Raid in 1895, supported by Cape's prime minister, Rhodes, and then by military invasion in 1899, on the strength of duplicitous argument by the militant British High Commissioner, Milner, who reported to British Secretary of State Joseph Chamberlain that the South Africans were poised to take over all of South Africa's (strategic) territories, thus bearing full responsbility for starting this costly, wasteful and totally avoidable war. We read in 'Africa and the Victorians': 'The Empire went to war for a concept that was finished, a cause that was lost, a Grand Illusion'. British troops increased to 400,000, and were sadly humiliated by Afrikaner commandos (a lesson that should have served them much better in WW1). At least 25,000 Afrikaners died in the war, most of them women and children in concentration camps. The war also claimed 22,000 British and 12,000 African lives. Elisabeth Longford concludes in her biography of Queen Victoria (p542) that 'like the cataracts which were steadily darkening her sights, events in Africa spread a shadow over her last years'.
Pretoria Parliament built in 1910
Afrikanerhart (Bok van Blerk, YouTube)
1950s Johannesburg Town Hall Square

Exerpt from "Scramble for Africa", or how the Boers contributed to the dismantling of the British Empire
by Anthony Nutting, in his excellent description of "The scramble for Africa"
search for sale

"To the Bitter End": by E. Lee. Description of the Boer tactics in outfighting the 5-fold strenth of the British forces 1899 - 1902
search for sale

From 'the Boer War - Ladysmith and Mafeking - 1900'
(historic official papers not previously availabe) by Biddles Unlimited (1999):
Besieged British forces at Ladysmith 1899
The Boers tied up (besieged) the following British military units for the whole year of 1899 at Ladysmith: the 5th Lancers, the 18th and 19th Hussars, the Imperial Light Horse, (200) Natal Mounted Volunteers, the 42d and 53d Batteries, a Brigade Division of the Royal Field Artillery, the No.10 Mountain Battery, the 1th Bn.(Battalion) Royal Irish Fusiliers, the 13th, 21st, 42d, 53d, 67th and 69th Field Batteries, the 1st Bn. Manchester Regiment, the Royal Garrison Artillery, the 1st Bn. Liverpool Regiment, the 2d Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, the 1st Bn. Devonshire Regiment, the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment, the 1st and 2d Bns. King's Royal Rifle Corps, the 1st Bn. Leicerstershire Regiment, the 2d Bn. Gordon Highlanders, the 5th Dragoon Guards, and even a Naval Brigade (from the HMS "Powerful")
search for sale

"Louis Wessels Commando", youth book series

Google Books: de 2de Boerenoorlog / the Boer war, door W van Everdingen, 1902, 387 pag. online
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Angola handed to the new foreign Soviet masters
South Africa's military might
Music: 'Kaplyn'- 'Border', a quarter century of fighting the Soviets on the Northern border (Bok van Blerk, YouTube)
South Africa's Thundering Jets - the Sound of Freedom
Music: 'Soos in die ou dae'-'as in the days of old' (Bok van Blerk, YouTube)
excerpt of the 1961 Angola communist rebellion account
angolaterranossa.blogspot: 1961 Angola rebellion account with pictures
1975 Insider's View: Angola's Colonial War
1975 Angola communist takeover
More books on the resistance against communism in Southern Africa
1975 "refugees escaping the Angola hell" blog
'Retornados 1975' blog: one of the greatest seizures of wealth by communists
Doomed Soviet cold-war psychology
(by Truman's US Moscow Charge d'Affaire Kennan's prophetic analysis in 1946, by M. Truman)
Doomed Tsarist psychology
(by Fromkin's WW1 'A Peace to end all Peace', p242)
the new foreign masters in Angola, Russia and its paid proxy, Cuba
foreign indoctrination after 1975 in Angola
another foreign master after 1975 in Angola
1980s - Typical Russian Posters found in SWAPO camps
1981 Operation Protea: 2-week clean up of SWAPO (of the Ovambo tribe), who will lose over 10,000 terrorists in Angola in the following decade
Operation Protea
South Africa's Angolan Intervention (pdf, 3MB), HR Heitman
South Africa's SADF border war (YouTube, 41min)
1987 Battle of Mavinga, or how the South Africans contributed to the collapse of communism in 1989
1981-1988 South Africa's expedition force of a few thousand (2K to max 5K) - intervention in Angola against the strength of the Soviet empire
South Africa's Special Forces (pdf. 6MB), HR Heitman
1987 NYT: Cuba's strange mission in Angola
1988 Soviet materiel captured by South Africa in Angola
Cuba's communists proxy war in Angola, and its pullout ('its Vietnam') after its massive number of 10,000 dead
What really happened to the 400,000 Cubans in Angola
Captured Russian T-54 tanks in Angola
1975 Unita abducts communist Czechs, who support the communist MPLA
1975-88 - Cuba's massive intervention in Angola to bolster the Angolan communist regime of the northern Kimbundu tribe (pdf)
1987 - Angola's Lomba River: where Cuba met its match, a devastating blow to the Soviet alliance, and turning point of the war (YouTube, 8min)
Cuba's face-saving extrication from Angola
South Africa's SADF Infantry sweeping Cuban mines in Angola
All South African operations in Angola 1976 - 1989, and the 'stunning humiliation of the Soviets'
Music: 'Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag: Ons was goeie kamerade' (YouTube)
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Spread of violence into SWA and South Africa
Soviet interference in South West Africa - Namibia
South West Africa's foreign insurgency (pdf, 9MB), HR Heitman
ANC's terrorist operations targeting public places
ANC reaping the violence in South Africa that it sowed
National Review: Marxism, Mandela, the ANC 'human rights' and the 300,000+ dead Africans
2020 Bloomberg: South Africa's 400,000 corrupt ANC black civil servants and the battle over Mandela's 'legacy'
The buck plummets here!
Declassified CIA 1985 docs: 'Soviet Policies in Southern Africa', incl Mozambique
'Marxism and Mozambique', by Henriksen
African Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 309, 1978
YouTube: The old and the new South Africa, order vs chaos
YouTube: More peaceful, orderly times
'The Union of South Africa', Robert Henry Brand, 1909
'South Africa', by Monica Cole, 1957, Archeological Survey, with many SA & SWA maps (777pges)
1970s General Map and scale of Angola and South West Africa
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Spread of violence into Rhodesia
Southern Africa was inhabited by bushmen (the San people) until the arrival of Bantu tribes around the mid 1850s, who displaced them westwards. Around that time, the Matabele (lately Ndebele), descendants of the Natal Zulus, having been driven away established a kingdom in the country. In the 1890s, a British businessman of the British South Africa Company, Cecil Rhodes, oversaw the formation of Rhodesia, in a bid to establish a railway from Cairo to Cape (the 'red line'). After becoming Southern Rhodesia, the settlers of the country voted in 1923 to become a self-governing colony of the British. After World War II in which many Rhodesians fought, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia at present) and Nyasaland (now Malawi) voted in 1963 for independence, while Southern Rhodesia chose to remain a colony. In 1965, the state of Rhodesia became autonomous after Ian Smith made a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from Britain. From this time onwards the Soviet-supported communists attempted by violent means to take power, by way of the majority Shona tribe, led by terrorist leader Robert Mugabe of the ZANU party (and aided by fellow tribesmen in Mozambique & Tanzania), historically subservient to the more powerful minority tribe of the Matabele (led by their terrorist leader Joshua Nkomo, son of a London Missionary Society-appointed preacher, of the ZAPU party (aided by Zambia). This led to the Rhodesian bush war of some 15 years (1964 -1979), in which some 30,000 people died (including a 1000 Rhodesian security forces, 20,000 civilians, and 10,000 guerrillas themselves).
the red line
In the ensuing ‘majority rule’ after 1980, under the British Lancaster House agreement, ensuring rights for all minority groups, Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, and was granted independence from Britain, soon to be led by former terrorist leader Mugabe. He proved ruthless, his North Korea-trained thugs leaving 20,000 rival Matabele dead in the early 1980s. The press was nationalized in the mid-80s. His despotic land reforms of the 1990s proved disastrous, where productive white farmers were violently disposed. Tobacco, a third of foreign earnings at one time, used to be grown in 7 year rotations on the poor, sandy highveld soil, now an extention of Chinese marxist subsistence farming policy on stolen land. Once a net exporter of maize, cotton, beef, tobacco, roses, and sugarcane, the country became a net importer of agricultural goods, and an exporter of people: elections were rigged, political rivals killed, millions fled (Botswana built a 300 mile fence), mineral-rich Congo was looted by the Zimbabwe 'military', the population exploited by profiteering Mugabe cronies, foreigners alienated, white farmers murdered and over a million of their farm workers and families displaced in retaliation, a third of the black population infected with AIDS by 2003 (life expectancy dropped from 57 to 35), sanctions imposed, and the economy rather predictably collapsed. Another African-country-in-turmoil-of-your-choice, or modern failed-state Venezuela 'avant la lettre'.
the black line
Early Southern & Northern Rhodesia map showing railways
Read online a wonderful early Dutch settler account of Rhodesia from 1895 ("Rhodesia past and present", 218 pages)
Rhodesians worldwide
Classic Cars in Rhodesia
Rhodesia Railways
Bulawayo Railway Museum
Great East-Africa site with 'Trains, Planes, Ships, and Automobiles'
Wiki History of Rhodesia
Rhodesia tobacco farming in the 50's
1952 Geography of Tobacco growing in Rhodesia
'Memories of Rhodesia' auction site
1902 map of the Southern Africa including Rhodesia

Related: the Rhodesian bush war
(pics from 'Rhodesian Soldier', by Chas Lotter)
Soldiering in Rhodesia
wikipedia on Rhodesian Bush War
Buy 'Rhodesian Soldier', by Chas Lotter)
More books
Rhodesia - Soviet propaganda using terrorist leader Mugabe

Rhodesia - Captured Soviet arms, rocket launchers, tanks, and guns
Rhodesia - Captured Soviet TNT slabs
Rhodesia - ZANU terrorists armed by the Communist East
Rhodesia - ZANU terrorists fed by the Capitalist West
Zimbabwe’s failed multiculturalism
BBC: Zimbabwe economic meltdown since 2000
The Atlantic (2003): 'Rent a corpse', or 'How to kill a country in ten easy steps, the Mugabe way'
Mugabe dead in 2019, and Zimbabwe on life support
The buck starts here!

China: The latest foreign master in Africa
Africa's exports in percentages to China
Forbes: 'What is China doing in Africa?'
CNN (YouTube): Chinese Ghost Town in Angola (2012)
Wiki: a ray of hope for Zimbabwe, or Chinese Marxist monopoly on illegally confiscated lands?
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Angola Missions news
Read this Online book: 1927 John T. Tucker 'Drums of Darkness' (Angola United Church Mission)
1874 Robert H Nassau 'Crowned in Palm land', (an online) Story of African Mission life, Memoir of Mary C. Nassau
1900 -1967 - Dr David Strangway: 'Benefits of Missions Medical Research in Angola'
1923-1943 - Alexander Kemp ' 20 Years of Medical Missionary work in Africa' (Malange, Angola)
C.J. Rooney - a Catholic view of Portuguese Missions of Angola
SIM in Southern Africa: Angola
Missionary biographies, Dondi, Angola
Angola Memorial Scholarship Fund (Dondi)
Help rebuild Dondi, Angola (video)
Live Angola Google map, from ILEP Leprocy mission website Angola
a secular study of Christian Missions at Dondi, Angola
Tribal Distribution of Angola
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Some Angola Blogs (Port.)
Extensive Angola vintage picture, mostly Luanda, on FaceBook (need to login)
Southern Angola Blog (in Portuguese)- Arrival of the Madeirans in 1884 to counter the Boers presence (since 1881)
Angola pre-1975 pictures by Angolano
Southern Angola Blog - with pictures of early 1900s - antigamente1900.blogspot.com
princesa-do-namibe.blogspot - Angola Mossamedes Blog - with pictures of 1960s
Angola Mossamedes Blog - with pictures of Alumni Students and Professors of the 1960s
Angola pre-1975 Schools and Students site
princesa-do-namibe.blogspot - Angola Mossamedes Blog - Tiger Bay, Baia dos Tigres history
Vintage Lighthouses of Angola
Vintage Portuguese-style Porcelain Tiles of Angola
Railway foto blog from Mossamedes - fotosnamibe.blogspot.com
Angola - the effort in Africa of the Great War of 1914-1918 remembered
Angola - the Dorsland Trek and Grootfontein
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Continent of Africa maps
Vintage Africa maps

Old Southern Africa Maps
Photos of old South Africa: currency, people, buildings, places
Pictures of vintage transport modes of Old South Africa
Historical photos of old South Africa

South Africa Maps
Oranje Vrijstaat / Transvaal / South African Republic maps
1885 map of South Africa's independent republics
1895 map of the Independent South African Republic (Transvaal)
1895 map of the Independent Transvaal Republic and Oranje Vrijstaat
1902 map of the South Africa Colony after the Boer war
1972 map of the Republic of South Africa
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Rhodesia Maps

1896 Central and Southern Africa, by George Gill
1900 Southern Africa, anon.
1923 Rhodesia map

1927 Southern Rhodesia map

1962 Rhodesia and Nyasaland map

1973 Rhodesia - Relief map
last 4 maps from: Rhodesia.me.uk map site
a century of geological and land maps of Rhodesia
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Angola Maps
1691 Conquest of Angola and St Tome
1757 Angola Carte des Royaumes de Congo Angola et Benguela, by J.N. Bellin
1900 Detailed map of Angola
1902 Map of Angola
1912 Angola map showing Benguela railway
1960s Angola regional map
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Congo Maps
1900 Map of Congo State
1900 map of Congo state
1912 map of Belgian Congo
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South West Africa Maps
map of Damara and Great Namaqua Land, by Galton and Andersson, mid-1800s
1915 South Africa defeats Germany during WW1
1886 Afrikaner 'Republic of Upingtonia' map (near Grootfontein, SWA-Namibia)
1900 Voelkerkarte / People / Tribal map SW Africa
1900 Vegetationskarte / Vegetation map SW Africa
1900 German school map of South West Africa
1902 detail of German map of South West Africa

1907 People of the Kalahari, by Siegfried Passarge
1909 SWA Detail from General Map of Africa, by Sir Edward Hertslet
1910 German School map GSWA
1913 Detailed Map of German South West Africa, by Dietrich Reimer, hi-res (German)
1940s Map of SWA by Nala Cook
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South West Africa books/articles
South West Afrika 1915-1990
South West Afrika Nat. Anthem, performed by SABC Symphony Orchestra
1920 Big Plans by South Africa to irrigate arid southern Angola and the Kalahari
Kalahari Map showing 1920 irrigation plans
Report: 'Exploration and Discoveries during four Years of Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa', mid-1800s, CJ Andersson
Report: 'Narrative of an Explorer in South Africa' (includes 'visit to Damaraland in 1851'), 1890, by Francis Galton
Report: 'Expedition to Ovampoland', Ch7, P79, 1850, Francis Galton
Article - Germans in northern SWA - Kooperation und Konfrontation am Kavango 1891-1921 Andreas Eckl (auf Deutch, in German, pdf, 1.5MB)
South West Africa tribal history - die BergDama - Heindrich Vedder (German, 1923)
'The Native Tribes of South West Africa' by CHL Hahn, L. Foure, H. Vedder (English, 1928)
Article - South-West Africa - The Factual Background (English) 1946 pdf, 1.6MB)
a 1915 write-up of South West Africa, by William Eveleigh, on Climate, Flora, Fauna, People
the Dorsland Trek and Grootfontein
Oil in Namibia 2023
More Oil in Namibia 2023
South-West Africa Stamps

South-West Africa - 1989 Stamps 4.1 Mines & Minerals

South-West Africa - 1980 Stamps Animals

South-West Africa Stamps- History - Towns

South-West Africa Stamps - Flora & Fauna

South-West Africa Stamps - Native and European Cultures

South-West Africa Stamps - Tourism & Exports

South-West Africa Stamps- Windhoek Luderitz Hentiesbaai

the Dorsland Trek shown on a SWA stamp
Africa map, per Colony
1914 Colonial map of Africa
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